serects of the book

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Abbie and aunt lilianna entered the penthouse of deceased blue winslow. "Get your stuff we're leaving as soon as possible" aunt lilianna said sitting on her fathers favorite chair. Aunt lilianna was rude and never visited all the way from Miami unless she had to . "hurry up now!"she said impatiently swinging her feet against the chair. Abbie scowled slightly but ignored it and went to her room dead bolting her door.

Maybe there's a way I can get out of this horrible place. It wasn't the most favored idea but she was not going to Miami ever. Abbie opened the magical book and a folded paper flew out which abbie out of curiosity picked it up.
The letter was from grandpa patrick .

the letter said :
Dear, blue
If something we're to happen and we need a portal use the dragon wand by putting the smurf essence in it and there are no chants no magic words required. I have no idea what will happen if anyone goes threw be safe.
Love your daddy.

Abbie sighed and looked curiously at the dragon wand well here goes nothing I'm not staying here and I don't want to know aunt lilianna evil side when she gets anonyed. Abbie poured the blue essence into the dragon wand and zaps at a random spot making a blue portal appearance. Bye bye new York!" Abbie laughed happily jumping threw the portal.

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