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Makarria and Talitha joined Siegbjorn in the town hall, who sat waiting at a large table along with Taera and Caile. The enormous room was otherwise empty and seemed overly large for their meeting. Makarria found herself running an awkwardly long distance to reach Siegbjorn and throw her arms around his chest.

Siegbjorn guffawed and ruffled her hair. "A good deal of trouble you've gotten yourself into, I hear. Can I not leave you for a moment?"

"I'm glad you're back," was all she said and sat down beside him.

Talitha sat, too, and regarded them all silently for a moment. Taera's face was bruised and swollen, but she sat erect and proud. Caile slouched forward with his arms on the table, again annoyed that he had no idea why they were meeting or what was going on.

Talitha sighed, then turned to Siegbjorn. "Tell them what you've learned."

"Yes," Siegbjorn said and cleared his throat before continuing. "At the bidding of Roanna, I traveled south to Weordan to gather news of what events have befallen the empire. She has spies there—part of her sorcerer's guild, although they are not sorcerers themselves—and they gather what news they can from the Five Kingdoms. Usually they would have little to say but much nonsense, but it seems much of import has happened of late. Wulfram himself was sent to Kal Pyrthin to dethrone King Casstian when the Emperor heard of your escape, Prince. Your father's imprisonment was short, however. He was set free several days later, and Pyrthinia has declared war upon Sargoth. Already as I was leaving, their forces were assembling at Kylep."

"Father?" Caile asked. "I didn't think he had it in him."

"It seems he does," Siegbjorn said with a shrug. "The Emperor is not one to sit idly by, however. The dark army of his is mobilizing in Col Sargoth, and it is common belief that the Valarion navy will set sail for Kal Pyrthin the moment Guderian's army begins to march."

"Those are not good tidings," Caile said. "Our navy is no match for theirs."

"Perhaps not, but there is more," Siegbjorn went on. "The wildest rumor I was to hear is that the heir to the Valarion throne has returned and allied himself with Pyrthinia. His name is Prince Parmenios Pallma, they say. To hear of him, he is young and quick with a sword, and it was he himself who freed King Casstian."

"Impossible," Caile remarked. "Parmenios was killed with the rest of the Pallma house. Don Bricio himself told me he saw him drown in the harbor of Sol Valaróz. And besides, he was young thirty years ago. Even if he were alive now, he'd be an old man."

"Perhaps not," Talitha said. "Siegbjorn, what do they say is Parmenios's nickname?"

"Parmo. And there is something more. It seems he was there on Pyrthin's Flame, Makarria, and somehow survived."

Talitha looked to Makarria. "Do you understand now? Why don't you tell us your grandfather's name. Tell us also where he is from and what you've done to him."

Makarria could not answer at first, she was so surprised. She was happier beyond description to hear that her grampy was alive but still could hardly believe her ears. Why didn't he tell me?

"My grandfather's name is Parmo," she said at last. "He was born in Sol Valaróz but lived with me and my parents near Spearpoint Rock. He was old and sick and about to die, and I was so sad I accidentally dreamt him a young man again. That's when we ran away and got rescued by Pyrthin's Flame. He explained a lot of things to me, but he never told me he was a prince."

DREAMWIELDER Book 1 of The Dreamwielder ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now