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A/N: I'm sorry these chapters are being written so slowly. This story is definitely a little harder to write, because these situations are being written as they come into my mind. I had a block for a bit , but I finally got this written! I hope this is okay and that you guys enjoy this! :) Please vote and/or comment if you do! 


Convincing Elena to come on the trip wasn't as hard as Caroline thought. Of course, Caroline may have left out a detail or two, but who was keeping count right? Elena sat in the back seat, staring out the window while Sam and Caroline conversed in the front. She tuned out the conversation between the young couple as she enjoyed the changing scenes from her window. They were long gone from urban scenery and had hit a long rural road. She watched with pure glee whenever they'd drive by a farm that contained cattle.

They'd been driving through the countryside for a little over an hour. At this point the scene once again began to change. The green from the grass was dissipating, and sandy grounds replaced it. She opened her window, and let the salty sea air enter her nostrils as she took in a large breath. She resisted the urge to put her entire head out the window to take in the newest scene. They still had a bit of driving to go, but they had arrived. White sand practically glistened as the sun shone on it. The blue of the not so distant sea was mesmerizing.

"This is so beautiful," She says.

"It's nice, huh?" Sam responds. "My parents would always take Dean and me to the beach in the summer, when we were younger. When I moved down here, I began to miss those family trips," He began to explain.

"That's where I come in," Caroline interrupts. "The moment he told me about his family trips-"

"She looked up the best beach closest to Virginia. Of course I didn't know she was doing this-"

"So I kidnapped him." Caroline says smugly.

Elena laughs. "How exactly did you manage to kidnap a giant?"

"She actually roofied me." Sam says with a hint of embarrassment in his voice. Elena's jaw drops at Sam's confession. She looks at Caroline, judgement in her eyes.

"Hey, hey!" Caroline exclaims. "It's not like he would have accepted to go with me if I just asked okay. He would have come up with a lame excuse to put off the trip. 'I got a test on Monday' kind of stuff."

"But I did have a test!" Sam exclaims.

"That's beside the point," She retorts. Sam rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to the road. "The point is I didn't have another way to get him to stay quiet for the long drive. And in the end, we had a fun trip." Caroline reaches over and takes Sam's hand in hers. He then faces her, and returns the smile she'd been giving him.

"Yeah, I guess so." He responds, giving her hand a small squeeze. Elena smiled at the small gesture between the two, before she turns her attention back out the window.

The sea air filled her lungs once again, and she felt at peace. This trip was a great idea. She thought. Nothing could go wrong.


She soon found out she'd spoken too soon. When the three pulled up to the beach house, a figure that'd been sitting on the porch lifted himself up to his feet when he saw them. Elena had to do a double take when she spotted him. With her jaw dropped she turned to face Caroline.

Sam spotted Elena's reaction from the rear view mirror. "And that's my cue." He said, and quickly climbed out of the car. Caroline followed suit. She avoided eye contact with Elena as she quickly climbed out as well. Elena let out an annoyed breath of air, and she too angrily climbed out of the vehicle.

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