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Bang bang bang!

The door swung open, causing the knob to enter the drywall. He was back. And he wasn't happy.

"Leave her alone." he roared, his fangs protruding from his big plump lips.

"Ahh, finally I've been waiting. I thought you would've gotten here faster.." Dale responded. "I thought she was more special to you."

He tensed.

"You don't know anything." he said, as we began to walk around each other. Dale holding me by my neck. Enough to keep me in control, but not enough to injure me. I was paralyzed. Forced to look at the desperate face of the one I loved. While he just saw me as a dangling rag doll.

"So what are you going to do pretty boy?" Dale sneered, his grip tightened. I tried not to make a face at the pain, but he saw right through it and pounced. Dale chucked me into the stone wall that surrounded us, I felt a sharp pain in my back. I couldn't move. I was a flooded with pain as I watched helplessly.

Dale jumped over him, and kicked him into the wall across from me. He then grabbed his shirt and lifted him up to meet his face.

"Just give up, it'll be less painful." Dale slammed his head into the wall. "For you and the girl." He launched Dale across the room, as he stood up. He glanced over to me, eyes full of pain and dispair. Suddenly, Dale was by my side lifting me up into the air by my hair. I screamed out in pain.

He took a step foward.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Dale said as he took his long sharpened finger nail, and dragged it down my face. Cutting a long slash across my left cheek.

He stopped. Dead in his tracks.

"You know what I want." Dale said smirking. "Just end all of this, and give it to me."

"D-Don't do it." I choked out.

"SHUT UP!" Dale clenched even more. Causing me to gasp for breath.

This time he wouldn't just stand there and watch, this time he leaped. He hooked his fangs onto Dale's throat and began to rip away. Dale was the one now gasped for breath. He kicked him off, flinging him to the opposite side of the room. Dale to this time to gain himself again, and took a big bite out of my arm.

I shrieked in horror.

"No!" he howeled. I could already feel the venom spreading throughout my veins.

"I love you, Niall.." I whispered, as my vision became blurry as I passed out. Leaving nothing but darkness in my mind...


A/N: So that's my little prologue thing. I hope you like it! Please comment below what you thought. And yea! I'll try to post another chapter soon. :) Thanks! Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FAN, and anything else! lol :p Thanks and good day! ;D


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