Chapter 1: Attractive? Maybe.

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Sun pierced through my curtains, blinding me in the eyes. I groaned, falling out of bed.

"AH!" THUD! I hit the ground, my head banging on the edge of my bed side table. "God." I said as I began to rub the spot where it hit. Yes, I've always been clumsy. My whole life actually, my mother said that I fell out of my crib when I was just two. That's probably why I suck at school.. Whatever the reason, I still stunk.

"Bo, are you alright?" my father called, as he entered my room.

"Yeah, I just fell."

"Again?" he said laughing.

"Shut up! Now, will you get out? I have to get ready." I snapped. He's always been teasing me about my clumsiness, ironically I got it from him. My mother was a dancer, or at least until she found out she was pregnant with me. Then she had to give up her dream and take care of me; she also had to marry my dad. Three years after I was born, they broke up. Leaving the clueless me to pick a side. I ended up with my father. Ever since my mom and me haven't really been close, but me and my dad are thick as thieves. (I guess)

"Okay, okay" he said holding his hands out in defeat as he left the room. 

I shut the door hard. As I slid down the back of it. I looked around my room, it was exactly how it's always been. Pictures were scattered around my walls, all containing different subjects. I focused on a particular one. It was an apple I had drew in 8th grade, it was the first time I ever drew something I was proud of. The shading, I still thought, was beautiful, the roundness was like a real apple, and the stem was utterly magnificent.

My bookshelf didn't even have any books. It was just crammed with memorabilia, like pictures of me when I was younger, and with my mom and dad as a family, and then a bunch of pottery things from over my art years. And finally at the top was Dad's baseball hat, which was signed by Babe Ruth. He got it from his dad, and then he gave it to me. And there it sits, waiting for my children to come along.

It was finally time to get ready for school. And I was so regretting even getting up this morning. I thought about just climbing back into bed and pretending that I was sick. But then I realized that I had done that last week. Too soon for me to try again. Looks like I'll just have to trudge through another day of torture.

Looking in the mirror, I honestly didn't look too terribly horrid. My hair actually looked neat and tidy, it only took a few tugs to get through it with my brush. There were only one or two zits to be found, but they were easily covered with makeup. Once I was finally done, I had on my anchor shirt that dipped just below my belly button, then I had my red shorts on with my navy blue TOMS. I applied little makeup, only enough to cover my imperfections. (Which is everything.) Then I went downstairs to eat some breakfast.

"So is everything okay now?" My father said as I entered the kitchen.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that you hollered at me to get out of your room." he said as he lathered his toast with jelly.

"Well you had to." I said taking his toast and taking a bite out of it. Then placing it back on the plate. "So is Phil going to give me a ride?"

"Yeah, I have to go to the office early. And I won't be back until late. He can make dinner, what would you like?"

"Whatever's fine, but if he could get pasta that would be awesome!" I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek before going into the garage, where Phil was waiting in the car.

"Hello sweetheart." He said as I entered the car. "Ready for school?"

"Not really, but let's just go and get it over with." I said, as he smiled apologetically. The rest of the drive was silent. Just the way we liked it.

As I entered the school, I could already smell Axe and Victoria Secret perfume/cologne. I began to walk towards my locker as I felt an arm sling onto me.

"Hey, Bo!" he said, his disgusting smell filling my nose.

"What do you want Nick?" I hissed as I threw his arm off of me.

"Geez, don't get all snappy. I just was saying hi."

"You just saying hi is never, just saying hi. It always means something totally different."

"Okay, maybe I have a few favors to ask.. but I really just said hi." I rolled my eyes, as I bumped into someone super hard.

"Ow!" I moaned as I rubbed my head. Another hit for the team! Way to go.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" the mysterious attacker asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said as I got up. I finally got a good look of the boy. He had big blue eyes, with a blond quiff to match. I moved out of his way and began back on my way to my locker.

"Who's the new kid?" Nick asked, looking back at the mysterious guy.

"His name is Niall." someone said from behind us. It was Kaisey. My best friend in the whole wide world. "Isn't he so attractive?" she cooed.

"Attractive? Maybe, I guess I wasn't really paying attention."

"NOT PAYING ATTENTION?! What's wrong with you? He's gorgeous! Sometimes you can be as blind as a bat!"

"Sorry, I was more focused that he ran into me!" I retorted, as I went to my locker finally.

I never knew how much Niall would mean to me, or how much I would mean to him. I guess you'll just have to stick around to see how it turns out.


A/N: Heyyo! So here's the first 'official' chapter of Scars. I'll post another chapter maybe tomorrow or on Friday, IDK because I've been putting off homework two night in a row to write this and I really shouldn't. So I'll post when I get the time. :) Don't forget to VOTE, FAN, and COMMENT! ;) Thanks! I hoped you liked it! <3


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