Growing. (XXX)

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***Reader's Discretion is advised. This part contains sexual content. It'll be the last one for a moment lol***

The next couple of weeks seemed like a blur to Mark. A licentious block of time filled with the lingering scent of honey and the sweet, fecund and intoxicating scent of a woman's arousal. One thing he knew was that arousal scents differed for every woman. Every woman had their own unique perfume to let their lover know how kindled they were in sexual moments.

Alicia was no different. Her scent natural and ripe, strong and stimulating.

Her body responded so electrically to him. He had came to know the in and outs of what roused her and what didn't. They didn't go as far as actual intercourse but they were slowly reaching that point. He was satisfied with servicing her when ever she liked and she would do the same. Her moans and soft little gasps was enough to push him on. Even the looks that she would give him, her sepia doe eyes gazing over at him fleetingly would make his mind dive into the depths of the impure side of his mind.

Mark chewed on his bottom lip, pushing his thoughts of her away as he focused on the tasks in front of him. He had to get ready for Drunk Minecraft with Bob and Wade. It had been so long since he had last did a video with them so he was excited to see them again. He adjusted his hair in the mirror, checking out his teeth and his simple blue shirt before heading to the kitchen to grab a bottle of cranberry vodka and walked back to his room. He settled into his plush computer chair, starting up his system as he opened the bottle of vodka and began to take a couple of swallows before setting it down near his feet.

He checked his phone to see if he had got any messages from her. He knew that she had to work overtime but he couldn't wait to see her again. He hadn't seen in a few days due to their conflicting schedules but he knew that today would be the day he could see her again. He didn't want to dwell on the underlying questions beneath the passionate nights they spent together. He honestly didn't want an answer for them...he felt like they didn't need one. If everything were to stop, they would just stop. He didn't expect anything from it all. But if something were to bloom, he would welcome it.

This all just felt like a fleeting sexual endeavor.

He smiled as he started up his camera and his Skype, smiling wider when he heard Bob and Wade's voices heckling each other on the end.


Alicia sighed as she pushed her way through her front door, throwing her suitcase on her couch as she collapsed on the cushions. She took a deep breath as she relaxed her overworked bones. She had been at work since 6 in the morning. She unlocked her phone to see that it was nearing 8 p.m.

She shook her head in frustration at the time she spent at that place. Everyone always had her doing all of the dirty work just because she was the intern. She smiled when she saw the text message from Mark. The last couple of weeks with him had been surreal. She wouldn't have imagined that their relationship would progress the way that it did. To her, the excitement of it all was the discretion. Even though they had nothing to hide except from ambitious fangirls, it added to the whole allure of it all.

Alicia opened the message to read it, her eyes scanning across the words.

MARK: Hang out after work?

Alicia raised an eyebrow, finding herself wanting to decline but she figured that she could probably talk him into giving her a massage. She replied 'Sure' to the message before sending it to him. She let out a sof breath before running her hands through her wild curls, rising up from the couch to get ready. She took a long showet before getting out and getting dressed. She had came to know Mark's favorite scents and what aroused his attention the most.

Honey. [Markiplier x OC]Where stories live. Discover now