Chapter 1

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"Danielle, wait" a voice said and I turned to see who it was. "Damon" I replied softly upon seeing him. He stepped closer and took my hands in his our eyes meeting. This was so good to be true. " Danielle, I have to tell something that I always wanted to say but couldn't" OMG!! This is really happening . "Yes, Damon go on" . He looked me deep in the eyes then said " WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY!!" I hope he says ' I love you'. " Get up sleepy pants" and then someone shook me. I groaned and opened my eyes to see my sister standing there. " Nice ringtone, Clarissa is calling" I got up to see ' 5 missed calls ' I got out and made my way to the bathroom. "Oh! Damon" I sighed and closed the door behind me. I don't know how long I bathed but when I got out I saw that it was almost 8:00 . 'Shit!' I cursed and hurriedly got dressed.

I was practically sprinting though the corridors of the school. I stopped to catch my breath and entered the class I thought I was supposed to go to. A middle aged man seemed like an English teacher to me was calling the roll call. I entered the class and he turned towards me" Yes, dear any problem " I went up to him and told that maybe this was my class. "Danielle Roberts, yes you are one of my new students please take a seat." And I looked around only to find a seat at the end of the class near to a guy with brown hair and a muscular appearance who seemed to be busy on his phone.

I took the seat and the teacher began. " Now class this week's assignment is about mythical creatures I have a bowl make your groups and come take one slip" everyone started to chose people , no one choose me and the guy sitting next to me didnt even bother to look up from his phone. I felt extremely awkward after a moment or so " Anyone without a partner?" He asked looking around and a girl with the typical annoying  sassy accent spoke " Cole is left!" She told the teacher.

The teacher looked at me and said " What was your name again?" I looked at him and then spoke "Danielle" "Yes, so you are part of which group" He asked and I replied " None, no one chose me" He looked at me and then said "Don't worry you team up with Cole" and the class filled with the gasps of the girls sitting there. Something wrong I thought and looked at the guy next to me who clearly didnt seem interested in whatever was going on.

The children each from one group started to get up and take out slips "Fairies","Witches" and so on until slips were left the sassy got up and i asked the guy sitting next to me whether he wants to go or should  i go and for a moment he looked at me it was then I saw his icy blue eyes. He himself looked so mythical that i cant even express how good looking he was. "Your choice" That arrogant  bastard i thought. " Now whos left" the teacher asked and i raised my hand " Come on and select one " He told me  and I hesitantly got up and made my way to on the glass bowl. The sassy was also standing there, first she took one and the I. She opened her slip and shouted "TROLL" and I couldn't stop but to chuckle slightly for which i received  a death glare. Realizing it was my turn I took a deeo breath and opened mine " Vampire" I smiled widely and called the name out loud. Cole looked up and met my gaze. He looked astonished  I wonder why. I came back and sat on my seat "Now class you can submit me your assignments next week" And the bell rang.

Turns out that most of my classes are with the Arrogant Hot Shot or as people call him Cole. It was lunch time and I entered the cafeteria and took a tray took something  that looked eatable and searched for a table to sit on. Unfortunately no table available well there was one with the nerds, okay they are humans as well. I approached  them and they all stopped  doing whatever they were doing and looked at me. " Can i sit here?" I asked politely and they stared at me with shocked faces.

One of them cleared the space for me and i sat between a dude who looked like some anime nerd and the other one looked like your typical nerd. I felt awkward and the anime dude began "  so tell us something  about yourself " " Well I was born and brought up in New Orleans and last year after my grandfather's death we decided to move here. Oh, where are my manners my name is Danielle and you guys what are your names?" I finished and one of them said " New Orleans so that means you might have met 'Elijah'or 'Klaus" I smiled widely at them and asked " you guys watch tvd  and to " and they all noded. "Do you?" The anime guy asked and i noded happily. "Yeah I do". The anime guy smiled and so did everyone else." So you guys have any names" I asked and they all started "Alex" the anime guy said."James" the typical nerd said."Sam" said a guy with big Ray bans and had a cute face he seemed a lot like Dylan O'Brien.

Then one who had red hair and a nice smirk said "I'm Dylan" Seriously. These guys were to cute to be nerds. Me and they all had the same classes and I was quite happy with the fact  that they all were having the same classes as me. After school I was packing my bag when Alex came up to me and asked if I needed any help with the work or not . These guys were to nice and to cute to be  true. I kind of needed the notes of the work I had obviously missed so I replied " Yeah, well I do need the notes " and they all said that they would help to copy it down with me and I literally fell in love with all of them.

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