Maybe Chapter 1

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Fear is such a strange word. To fear something, it is to be scared of something. Is that like a phobia? Yes, but worst because you can never escape it. It will always want something from you! It takes away your happiness, your joy, your laugh, and slowly your own life. There is no way to conquer fear unless the fear was never real. I tell you this, that this fear is more real and terrifying than anything before. It set a price and it came to collect.... What was its price?

Why does it have to be a horrible Monday? I have always had a strong distaste for Mondays. I have to get ready to go to school, go to school, and face people that I would not normally have to face. I, being a human, was not suppose to go to this school.

An elite school where the elite beings of the universe went. Ranging from simple werewolves to the highest ranking vampires. I heard that the royalty of all the supernatural beings was going to attend this school due to the fact he had nothing better to do. I, being one of the only humans to attend this school, got bullied and mocked a lot. My uncle, insisting that this was the right school for me, did not let me transfer.

"Kaitlin, it's time to go to school," Uncle yelled. Great, I thought to myself while running down the stairs. I really don't want to go to school. I climbed into the car and sighed loudly.
"Why can't I transfer schools already?" I asked. I could feel the frustration and irritation bubble inside me at the fact that he still would not let me transfer. "This school is where you belong," he replied. " I don't want to go anymore. Don't you care for happiness or my well being at all?" I angrily retorted at him. "This school is where you belong," he stated again.

When we finally reached the entrance, I was angry and confused about everything. Nothing seemed to make sense. Why was I so different? Why did I have to attend this school? I was asking these questions to myself, while walking down to first period.

School went by in a flash. It was normal routine. I walk into a class room, classmates mock me, teachers treat me different, and I eat my lunches in the secluded area in the courtyard. By the end of the day, I was finally fully approached but not in a good way...

"Hey Katie, I was wondering if you were busy this weekend? I was throwing a party but I have no where to host the party. I was hoping that we could use your house and all." Megan stated rashly.

"My uncle would not agree to that, so you can not host a party at my house," I put it bluntly. That's when Joshua Parking intervened, he was of an ancient family of pure bloods that are extremely powerful.

"You really don't have a choice," he gestured to me. And now, I really did not have a choice in the matter... For he outranked me and there was nothing I could do about it. The ranking system went from royalty, then the levels of the pure blood, and then the supernaturals, and last and certainly least: humans.

"Hey uncle, some girls want to host a party at our house," I snorted at him, when he finally pulled up to the school. "Sounds like fun, he replied back to me, I knew you would make friends!"

I had a great first day! Note the sarcasm. I walked calmly to my bedroom, still trying to put together everything that happened today. My uncle was allowing strange teenage girls host a party in his precious house. That made no sense! He loved his house more that he loved himself. His garage full of his glorious cars and the antique furniture that was passed down through the centuries.

All I could tell was that uncle wanted me to fit even if I did not. I really did not understand why the girls and my school would want to host their party at my house. They had huge houses with rich parents, all they had to do was ask.

Why didn't they? Were they curious about me and wanted to know me?

What a weird day? I finally felt the fear creep in.

Why me?

This is my first real story. It's kinda scary but I hope that it fits to everyone's liking. It is a little bumpy and kinda a slow start but I promise it'll pick up pace and hopefully become a good story. Please don't be harsh on the comments for it is my first time writing a story.

why me? ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now