First off
I've never been tagged for something like this, thanks FandomsUnite123, you guys check her outExcept for that ice bucket challenge but actually my mom was tagged to do that so anyways, to the Questions and Answers
Q: favorite song
A: hmm let's see I guess Clarity
Q: favorite sport
A: I say soccer, I like being the goalie :/
Q: favorite band
A: the ones I'm currently in, does that count because right now I'm in O'Callaghan middle school advanced band, playing trumpet *ω*
Q: favorite show
A: supernatural
P.s. coming in a book soon 'ω'5.
Q: favorite movie
A: hmmmm so many movies to choose from, so hard, I like to many, ok fine, rise of the guardians, don't judge me
Q: favorite color
A: green >ω<
Q: favorite food
A: Nooo my mom makes too many good foods, this is impossible
Q: favorite drink
A: uhhh sprite I suppose
Q: favorite video game
A: well thanks to my brain, I some how think of this as 2 things
Computer game: minecraft :/
PS2 game: all kingdom hearts games
Tag 15 people
Ok simple :/
1. PuppyKnight
0k I tagged some people who might not know me so well as others but do check them out
Those who I tagged, sorry for unfollowing then follow, I just have a crappie phone and use it to the best of my ability, so ya I got problems but like who doesn't have a problem with a device or a computer you know
Thanks people especially FandomsUnite123, go check her out and see ya people
Ivory Knight