The first meeting

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For the last time I had enough of the hero. He would always try to fight me and it would always end the same way. I could never land a hit on him yet I always emerged with a few cuts and bruises. I sighed sheathing my sword. There was no way I could face my master with the same results over and over again. As much as this angered me, what angered me more was that I could never truly be with the one I pleased to be with. Zelda. Each time I got closer to capturing her all for me, Link would show up. I wanted to do so much and one person would stop me. I needed to do so much.
The breeze was quite warm as I opened the doors to the exit. In fact, it was so warm that I decided to explore a bit further. I don't really know how long I was walking for but by the time I stopped, I had reached an unknown forest. The air was dense and uncomfortable, however, this was not so much a discomfort to me as it would be to a human. I sighed and kicked some pebbles out of my way. So much for enjoying the weather. Little did I know that the pebble I had kicked had hit someone. My ears perked up as I heard someone cursing. The voice was unfamiliar and my instincts told me to hide but my curiosity got the better of me. I started walking once more and soon the voice was so clear. I saw a blurry green flash before my eyes. Could that be link? Nah. My eyes are playing tricks. I resumed walking, this time I whistled a tune to ease my tension.
"Nice tune" That voice from earlier said from behind me.
I turned to be met with a gaze very similar to mine.
"Link? What happened?" I said, worried
The boy who looked happy before soon became angered.
"I'm not link." the boy said
"I'm ben"
"Ben?" I asked, trying to hide my surprise. But this boy. He looked like a younger version of link...
Ben nodded and looked calm again. "The reason I look like link is because I am a spirit who inhabits his statue. And who are you"
"I-i'm Dark Link" I said, letting my confusion and interest show. Somehow I felt as if ben would be a big help in defeating link.
"Well dark link. I can see defeat in your eyes. Could you have possibly been beaten by the hero too?"
I nodded for fear that if I speak, I may end up yelling.
Ben smiled, "I've been beaten too"
This was my cue to ask him that one question that could potentially lead to link's defeat. "Would you like to join me and defeat link"
Ben nodded without another moment to spare
Finally, I had someone to help. Now it was time for a plan.
(To be continued...)

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