The Tell -Tale Heart: Through A Hobo's Eye

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I was just siiting down in my little home made out of cardboard.When I looked up and saw a light coming from a house right in front of me, I went to look why the ligth was on. Then I saw what looked like somone going into the nice old mans room. When the light got on his face I saw it was just the old man's helper. So I went back to my house and sat there. When I was sitting there minding my own business, I heard a sceam and ran to see what happened in the old mans house. When I got there I could see the old man lieing there on the ground dead, and then there he was standing over the dead old man's body was his helper. I followed him through the windows he went in to the kitchen and grabed a knive. He went into the old mans room and started to chop up the old mans body. I couldn't look at what he was doing it just groosed me out so much I felt like throwing up all over the window, but I didn't so, I went to random house and asked to use there phone. When they gave me the phone I put in  911, then the phone started to ring a opporater picked up the phone. I told them the emergence and they sent over a police car with two men in it. The men came up to me and asked were the emergence was so I showed them were it was. They went and knocked on the door and the old man's helper came to the door. He asked them what this was about and they told them: We got a call that there was a sceam coming from this house. He helper told them: it was my own sceam I had a nightmare. They asked if they could search the house and the helper let them search the house. When they were done he asked them if they wanted a cup of coffee. The officers replied: "yes we would like a cup of coffee." When the helper came back to the room with officer's in it he placed his chair were he killed the old man. Then somehting happened he started to pace the floor, he started the mumble somehting. He got to his knees and sceamed out: "TAIR UP THE PLANK'S I AMET THE DEID." That was the last time I saw the old man's helper.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2013 ⏰

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