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The unnatural winds of the portal rocked the Jolly Rodger back and forth putting pressure on the old woods. "It's going to get rough so hold on to whatever you can!" My dad yells to everyone, the rain and wind blew wild round us howling loudly to let us know we were in for a rocky ride. The colour of grey and brown was all I could see as the wind continued to rock us repeatedly. My fingers were numb my body felt weaker than before I fell ill from Pans virus. The portal tornado was harsh on my fathers beloved ship but harsher on the people aboard the ship. "HOLD ON TIGHT!" My dad yells over the high winds as the ship swirls round in the portal ready to make her crash landing in the seas of Neverland.

The swirling sounds of the wind slowly dies down as we tumble our way through the dimensions. Holding tightly on to Pans hand as the Jolly Rodger crashes into the calm sea of Neverland, the sound of mermaids below singing their deathly song. "Whatever you do don't listen their song." Hook speaks his pirate slag full swing. I giggle at his captain voice I haven't heard it since we sailed together when I was little. He stood proudly at the ships wheel sailing her gentle away from the songs of the sirens. In stories like Peter Pan Neverland was beautiful it was a place you couldn't wish to ever leave but now it was dull missing life; was this the doing of the magic eater. "Still holding hand, you must be worried about me." His obnoxious voice brought me back to reality. "No definitely not, don't be getting ant ideas Pan." I snap removing my hand from his grip. He laughed walking away to the plank that was laid on the sands of Neverland waiting for us to leave the ship... Was this the end if the heroes?

The dense forest stood strongly in front of us like it was trying to block our way to the thinking tree of Neverland, the tree that has haunted my dreams was now here: somewhere. I look around but there was nothing but bloody beach and forest. "Which way Pan." I turn my head to him his green eyes already looking at me. He grabs my hand that I forbid him holding. "This way darling." His dazzling smile melting me to the core he was growing on me even though he was a villain and old, like old, old he was Rumples dad. Come to think of it gross. He pulls me forward towards the dense forest the darkness consuming me. "Pan if this is your way secretly killing me, I think you should think of a better plan." I swallowed the lump in my throat, I will admit I feared what was to come. He laughed pulling me closer to him "Sweetheart that hasn't even crossed my mind." He winked giving me weak knees.

The forest was dark I could barely see anything I could hear my family arguing behind me over why they were following Pan. Rolling my eyes hand become accustom since Pan had come into my life. I eyed him up as we trudge our way through the thick forest, his dark blonde hair was messy from the high winds, his green eyes held worry in them as well as deterioration he was dying a long with Neverland. He relied in this place after all this place granted him childhood again his aging stopped due to this place. A high-pitched screeching sound echoed through the forest the trees shuck in fear as the screeching got closer and closer to us. The horrid sound had to belong to the magic eater it must have sensed our magic. A black dome covered us I couldn't see our sense my family anymore, my body froze in panic. What if it's eaten my family, they hold a lot of strong magic, am I going to alone when this clears up what am u going to tell Henry. These thoughts ran a marathon through my head, I stood they're like a coward not doing anything I could feel my magic fading away is this what this creature did? My eyes felt heavy with the lack of magic power I had, I tried to fight sleep off if I sleep, I die, and I wouldn't be able to save my family or Neverland not that I was doing much now.

The skin on my back felt cold and sore like something sharp was embedded into it, my eyes were heavy with exhaustion the sleep in my eyes made it hard for me to see where I was. "I see sleeping beauty is awake." The familiar voice boomed in my ears making my splitting headache worst. "Shh." Body stiff and heavy from the black dome, my eyes slowly cleared making it easier for me to see. The rocking walls and stagnant smell if sea water made it clear to me that we were in a cave. Sitting up was hard as the pain in my back worsen, I gritted my teeth together and pulled myself up to face Pan. "It's very quiet are my family still Sleeping?" I rubbed my eyes to clear the fogginess further. "Well actually they aren't here, I managed to teleport us out of there I tried to reach your family to take them with, but I couldn't sense them." He mumbles out clearly upset at the fact he couldn't find them, his eyes held unshed tears after all he came here for redemption. I crawled over to him wrapping my arms round his skinny but well-built body "They will find us at the thinking tree I know it they aren't dead they are safe we have to believe that okay we will see them again." My eyes were filled with hope and tears I really did hope my family had made it too they were strong.

The cave was cold and damp but held refuge for us, it was undetected by the magic eater we were safe here for the time being to come up with a plan to get to that tree. "If we are to beat this thing we need to work together and trust each other." Pan look at m hopeful while he made a fire in the rather large cave. "Pan I think it's safe to say I trust you after everything we've be through now, I mean at first I thought you were just trying to kill me to save yourself but..." He turned to me a serious look on his face "I never thought about hurting you during my time suck between life and death I watched you grow and become who you are and when the time was right I made my move to I knew I needed you to save Neverland like I said it was destined." In eyes was the truth he meant every word. "Even the bit about us falling in love." I joked trying to lighten the mood even though I was falling for this old; young guy.

The night came the wind howled the cave became cold even with the fire burning fiercely next to us. my teeth chattered together maybe in fear or from being cold or both I wasn't sure. Warm arm came around my waist making me freeze in place. "Relax you're cold and scared I'm here to make sure you're safe so just relax and move closer." His voice was gruff from sleep, rolling my eyes again before I cuddled into his warm body that seemed to calm me down. During the sleepless night I heard the screeching sound of the magic eater who carried on nibbling its way through the magic of Neverland, the more it ate the more Peter looked weak and fragile even his young façade was fading he was aging. I don't want to admit I am worried about him, but I would be lying I really was worried about him. The further we went into days the worst he would get. We needed to find that tree, but we weren't getting anywhere we were stuck in this cave we tried many times to escape it was like a magic field was protecting us.

Three days had passed since we landed in Neverland, we have spent most of our days in this cave, a cave that appears to be the shape of a skull. There appeared to be a giant sand timer in the middle of the cave. It no longer worked there wasn't an ounce 'magic sand' in there that's what Peter had told me what was in it. The sand timer held the magic for Neverland and the life source it was connect to the tree, and it ran out when he started to die and when the magic eater arrived to finish off the place the sand timer smashed the tree was the last thing holding the little bit magic left on Neverland. The story of his past was sad and angering but if we judge a person from their past, we wouldn't make friend or fall in love often. "The cave has used the last of its magic to seal us in here with a protection spell that's why the magic eater can't find us." Pan paced back and forth his body skinner than when I first met him his cheek bones were sunken in. My heart ached for him we needed to hurry if we wanted to Neverland before it was too late. "I'm not very good at magic I control my magical energy but actually produce magic but if we work together, we might be able to break a big hole in the protect spell to let us out." My hopeful eyes meeting his dull eyes that held no more hope and barley and life in them. "We can give it a try with have nothing to lose." He tried to crack a smile, but I could see he wasn't hopeful the flirty Peter I knew was fading fast. The entrance to the cave wasn't far for us to walk to especially at his old man pace (no disrespect to old men) the forest blew wildly outside it was waiting for us to step outside to alert the magic eater where we were all this time but he won't get us I will make it to that tree see my family and save both Neverland and Peter Pan, I totally don't like him or anything... The frailness of his hand in mine made me more determined to get to that tree. "Close your eyes." I followed his orders no arguing this time there wasn't time for it.

I felt my magic energy flow through me slowly it still hadn't replenished itself from the attack of the magic eater. The warm feeling of my magic circled around my body making me feel more energetic than before. The feeling of my energy started to mix with Pans our magic was becoming one I could feel it we were ready to break a hole in the protection spell. The barrier protecting us slowly started to lose its power in front us I held out my hand to feel the energy of the spell before pushing my way through taking Pan delicate form with me. "We did it, now RUN!" I pulled on his hand dragging him with me through the thick forest that was against us. Tree howled to the screeching sound that was getting closer and closer to us, but we pushed through the thick greenery of the forest we were more determined to win for Neverlands sake as well as the guy I was falling for more and more.

(once upon time) Pipers love for Peter PanWhere stories live. Discover now