two // math class and an upset mom

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Vasiliki's POV

First period Math consisted basically of me sitting quietly in the back of the class, trying with all my willpower not to get up off of this uncomfortable plastic chair and walk out. Imagine; it was only the first period of the first day back from summer vacation, and already I wanted to beat the whole school up.

My mom told me I had to have better attitude when it comes to people I don't like, because deep down she thinks I'm not tough, just full of teen angst. On the other hand, I completely disagreed. I am not full of fear nor am I full of anxiety, I'm just full of anger. There's a difference.

"Vasiliki? Are you paying any attention whatsoever?" I snapped out of my gaze, to see my math teacher looking at me with a frown on her old and ugly face. She was wearing a ring, how was she able to even get married? Maybe her husband is blind. "Did you listen to anything  that I just said?"

I wasn't even going to deny it at this point, I knew she was just going to call me out on it. "No." I shrugged. I noticed some people who snickered at the mention of my name, and I was this close to walking over to their desk and flipping it.

"That's not a good start to the year." My teacher said, crossing her arms. I dropped the pen that was in my hand onto my desk in an effort of pure annoyance.

"No. Not a good start to the year is having math class first period but you don't see me complaining." I scoffed. I was able to tell that the teacher wasn't appreciating my commentary. But I was too tired to give any shits.

"You will not talk to me that way, young lady." I rolled my eyes.

"If I'm a young lady, does that mean you're an old lady?" I asked, smirking. "Because with those lines on your forehead and cheeks, you certainly don't qualify for a young lady." I could tell I hit a nerve with my teacher, because she exhaled really loudly, and had this grimace on her face. It sort of resembled like she was going to shit herself.

"And I thought that this year might be easier with you, Vasiliki. I thought you might have matured during the summer break." She sighed, walking to her desk and taking a sip of her coffee in some stupid mug which said 'World's Best Teacher' and I couldn't help but wonder if she had bought that for herself.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but I'm pretty fucking mature. I just hate this class." I said simply, leaning back in my chair.

"Get out of my class." She sneered, pointing to the open door. I just smiled.

"It would be my pleasure." I retorted. Everyone started to chuckle, clearly enjoying the show.

"I want you to go to the office and pick up your detention slip, and don't bother coming back to this class today. Such a shame, how you behave. You're a young woman! You shouldn't be acting like such, such-"

"Such a what?" I sneered, standing up. She was able to kick me out, but one thing she was not able to do was insult me or tell me I was something when I wasn't. Although I didn't know what she was going to say. the way she was wording it didn't exactly sound like she was about to call me a nice teenager.

My teacher didn't say anything, so i just flipped her off and walked out of the class, slinging my bag on my shoulder. I walked to the office, contemplating whether I should legitimately go to the office, or just chill in the girl's bathroom for the rest of the period. Although the second option seemed far more like something I'd do, I wouldn't want to get more detention for ditching detention.

So I walked the ever-familiar route to the main office, and walked in.

"Already, Vasiliki? It hasn't even been a day." The secretary, Marge asked. Marge was one of the only adults in this shit hole of a school who I was able to stand. Sometimes, instead of giving me detention, she'd let me chill with her and she'd go in the teacher's freezer and bring me a freezie.

"Well, you can blame my math teacher for this one." I groaned, walking up to her desk. "She literally is the most annoying person I've ever come across."

"Did you flip her off again?" She asked. She knew me way to well. I nodded, and she sighed.

"She was going to insult me! What was I supposed to do?" I asked, sitting down on an empty spinning chair. I just spun.

"You're supposed to ignore it! You just sit on your desk and when class is over, you can come and report it and we will take care of it."

"Whatever. Do I have to go to detention?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, but I have to give this one to you. You can't flip off a teacher and get away with it." I groaned, annoyed. I took the slip from her and stuffed it in my bag. "Room 303. Be there five minutes after the final bell."

I left the main office in a brand new pissed off mood (if that was even possible) and went to my locker. I opened it, placed my bag inside, and pulled my phone out. There were no notifications, nothing from Michael. So until the next class started, I was stuck at my locker, scrolling through twitter and judging almost everyone; one of my favourite hobbies.


Finally, after two more classes, it was lunch time, which meant I was able to see Michael. I walked out of stupid english class, and straight to our usual meeting spot, bumping into some stupid freshman on my way there. I glared at him, and he looked like he was going to puke, so he ran the other direction.

"Hey!" I turned around to see Michael. Instantly, my smile grew wider. "Already scaring off the freshman?"

"Hey man." I said, pulling him into a hug. Michael's tall frame engulfed my normal sized one, but anything seemed puny when placed next to him. He was a human juxtaposition. "Hell yeah. Letting 'em know who's the fucking queen."

"Aren't Queen's supposed to be, like, I don't know, polite? I heard that you flipped off a teacher already. Must be a new record for fastest time pissing a teacher off on the first day back." He laughed. I shoved him slightly, almost causing him to lose his balance.

"Fuck you, Clifford. I'm polite to people who deserve it, that's all." I shrugged. That was true. I only gave my good attitude to those I actually gave two shits about. For example; I cared so much about my little sister Evania, who was three years old. I cared about my mother and father and I cared about my dog. Michael looked at me with a mock expression of hurt.

"What am I, chopped liver?"

"You're an exception to the rule, Michael. You know that." I laughed, walking to the cafeteria.

"So, let me guess. You've got detention after school today?" He chuckled, fixing the snapback over his brightly coloured hair.

"Sadly." I groaned, taking a bite of my left over pasta my mom had cooked for dinner last night.

"Well, maybe detention might not be so bad." Michael shrugged. I threw a penne pasta at his face, hitting his right on the nose.

"Shut up, Mikey." I rolled my eyes. "It's an hour and a half a pure silence. We both know I can barely keep quiet for two minutes, let alone over an hour."

"That's accurate." He laughed.

I got home after detention, trudging angrily through my front door, and almost had a heart attack. My mom was literally hiding behind the door, as if she'd been waiting for my arrival.

"Jesus Christ, mom!" I exclaimed, dropping my school bag on the floor. "Why were you hiding behind a door?" My mom rolled her eyes.

"I'm not happy with you, young lady. First day of school and you already have a detention? Wasn't the talk that we had last night clear enough that if you were rude and got in trouble, I'd send you to a correctional facility?" My mom said, crossing her arms. "I thought we had an agreement."  I scoffed.

"Calm down, mom. It was just one stupid detention." I reasoned, walking to the basement door, where my room resided.

"But Vasiliki, it isn't just one stupid detention anymore! You're always causing trouble!" My mom exclaimed, getting frustrated. "You know what? As much as I hate to do this. I think it's time we call the correctional facility."


hi hey hola bonjour


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⏰ Son güncelleme: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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