Anna Grace's Pov

"Wake up girl!" Cake shouted. I hissed at her and she stepped back.

"Why? Its still sunny out." I mumbled.

"Because! We're going to meet Prince Gumball." I rolled my eyes and hid my head under the blanket.

"Come on Annie Gracie." A different voice said. I took off my blanket and saw Marshall.

"Ok fine. But only because Marshall Lee is going to be there and he hates Gum wad as Much as I hate him." Cake scoffed.

"He's not that bad girl. Now let your hair flow, maybe Marceline will come by!" I smiled widley.

"You know Marceline?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Friends since Fangs." I said. "Now get out Im changing." They walked out of the room. I made my way to the mirror infront but way farther then the door. My hair was in a ponytail, so when I let it down wavier. I shook it a little and chose a different outfit. Striped leggings, with jeans shorts ontop of it. My normal black boots. But  Insted of my Black tanktop I put a  Fall out Boy t-shirt and long ass gloves. Before I put on the shirt, I decided to look at my scars. I turned around and looked on my waist. Scars from a year ago still there. I saw a speck, A SPECK, of black hair and minty kind of skin.

"MARSHALL LEE YOU PERVERT!" I shouted at top of my lungs closing the doors as hard as I could. You could hear Fiona and Cake hitting him. I sighed and put on my shirt. Opened the stupid door and floated down stairs. "Do you guys know where my hat is?" I said as I came down. Me and the girls have been leaving together for about a week and became best friends, so they would know everything.

"Over here Anne Baby." Cake said. I flinched at the nickname. She handed me my  hat with a evil smile on her face.

"I told you not to call me that Cakers." I sent her a smirk and from the corner of my eye I saw Marshall trying to hold in his laugh so is Fiona. "What are you guys laughing about? Huh Marshmellow and Finn?" I sent and even bigger smirk to them. Their faces turned red and Fiona got mad. We all ended up laughing and rolling on the floor. I swear to the Queen and King of Nightosphere that Marshall tried to get me on his hand.

"Ok guys," Fiona said still laughing a bit. "Lets go." Everyone was still laughing a bit but I stopped.

"I wanna be drunk when I wake up, on the right side of wrongg bed." I sang to myself.

"Huh?" Cake said. They all turned around infront of me. I turned pink.

"Um nothing." I said. I could tell Marshall knew what I sang, well first he turned around right away. And he has super hearing. Every vampire does. I locked the door and bruned my self when I went out. Marshall came over with his Umbrella.

"You can take of the stupid hat now. Im gonna have to repay you for your Umbrella thing when Cake took us to the tree house." He said softly. "Also I heard you sing."

"Tch. I know. Im a vampire too rembeber?" 

"Oh yeah still getting used to that." He scrachted the back of his head, while I took off my hat. By now, The girls were farther away from us. "So how did you sing that?"

"Oh my god, just leave me alone with my song ok?" I said in a rude way. I didnt mean too. He was suprised by my rudeness. And he should be, Im not the rude type. "Sorry, its just I only share my songs with Marceline. I just guess its kind of weir-"

"ARE YOU GUYS COMING?!" Fiona shouted from a mile away. We flew to them and I saw Marceline.

"Anna? Werent you su-" I lifted my finger to my mouth ad shh'ed her. We hugged eachother. 

"I havent seen you in like 3 weeks, Marcy."

"Well yeah, youve been stuck with this guy." 

'You still love him though.' I thought.

'SHUT UP I DO NOT. GOD STOP SAYING THAT.' She replied in thought.

'Dude you told you did a few months ago.' She shook her head and said Hi to Marshall Lee. You could see that her smile was real and her eyes were shining at the thought of him Naked. I giggled a little and went in.

"You love birds coming?" I said with my head sticking out. Marceline turned with a red red red face and around and they walked here. Marshall Lee was only blushing a little. Weird. Prince Gumball sat us down at the table, while he got everything.

-=WARNING SNEEK PEAK TO NEXT STORY=- (Just saying, The name is a reference not her.)

"Heyyy Pikachuuu." Marceline said next to me loudly. Everyone stared at me. . . .

"CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME A CANDY STICK OR SOMETHING IM GOING TO KILL ME SELF." I said standing up loudly. Marceline laughed and brought me down.

"Relax. God Pikachu," Marceline said as The cream puffs got on her plate. "Want a Cream Puff?" She picked up a cream puff and smashed it in my face. She immdently stopped laughing a guilty face

'Stop it, you are making my eyes water.'

'Im so sorry, I dont know what got into me.' Everyone was staring. Everyone stopped what they were doing, gave a gasp, and stared.

"Um, Gumball wheres the bathroom?" I stood up and walked to the bathroom with him. While I did that I took off the cream and sucked the red out of it. I quietly thanked him when he opened the door.  I sucked all the red out of the cream and threw it out. A week into Land of OOO and Im already crying. Its not Marceline's fault. I think she just got jealous when I shared the umbrella with Marshall Lee. Yeah, thats it. I washed my face and walked back. I sat down and didnt eat, since I already ate in the bathroom and I get full easily.

"Why arent you eati-" The door knocked. "One second." Gumball went to answer the door and came a 'Finn', 'Jake', 'Princess Bubblegum', and 'Guy I dont know'. Oh! These are the charcaters that are the gender swap for Fionna, Cake, and Princess Bubblegum. But who is the other guy? When they came, they looked exactly like genderswaps. When I saw this guy, he looked exacctly like me. And Marshall Lee/Marceline.

"Hi, Im Antony Gray... And you look alot like me." I nodded.  The thing is he wasnt really floating he was walking like me. 

"Anna Grace..." 

"Oh, I wouldnt think it would work so fast... Anna, Antony, You guys are the gender swap." Princess said Sophicated.

"THAT EXPLAINS WHY YOU ARE HERE!" Marceline shouted. I turned around and mentally told her if she tells anyone why Im here I will kill her. She went back to stabbing the cream puff with a fork. Anothny pushed Fiona out of her chair and sat down there.

"HEY!" Me, Cake, Fiona, Finn, Jake, Prince and Marshall shouted in Unison.

"Whats wrong with you?" Marshall shouted at him.

"What did I do?" He smirked. My version? More like My Evil version.

I rushed to help Cake with fiona. "Something is wrong with you." I said. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She nodded. 

"I want to kill this guy." She mumbled. I laughed. I pushed this guy off of 'his' chair and put Fiona there. "Find somewhere else to sit you bastard." Marshall Lee growled at him. He was really protective of her. I looked at Marceline. She was staring at Marshall Lee. I stole a glance at Marshall and you could see his mucsles were starting to form because he was so mad. His fangs showed. So Weird...

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