An Unfortunate Yet, Etiquette Dinner

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[[ This is based on a short story I wrote in the 3rd grade.  It is meant to be humrous and fun.  Leave comments good or bad at the bottom]]

One delightful evening Leon the Lion decided to have his friends over for dinner. He sent out his letters days earlier and hums a delightful tone while cooking.

“ What a wonderful evening this shall be,” Leon thinks to himself. The whole afternoon Leon’s excitement for the dinner grew rapidly. It had been weeks since they had seen each other.

Suddenly the door bell rings giving away the alarm that someone is at the door. Opening the door Leon finds Wallace the sea- turtle. Letting out a groan Wallace walks inside.

“ Good evening Wallace may I take your coat?” Leon asks.

“ Oh alright,” Wallace says sighing” another rough week of hard work Leon. I don’t know how much longer I can keep up. Every male turtle in my family retires after 105 years,” Wallace says almost gasping for air.

“ Settle down Wallace,” Leon says patting his shell” an exciting and enjoyable evening is ahead of us. You may sit down in the dining room,”

As Wallace goes to sit down the door bell rings again. This time at the door is Sarah the Rattle Snake.

“ Leon,” Sarah says rattling her tall. Leon and Sarah had been good friends since elementary school.

“ Good evening Leon, you may go and sit down with Wallace,”

“ Wallace has already arrived? He isn’t upset is he?”

“ Oh just a tinchy bit. Ignore his negative side and I’m sure he’ll have a fun night,”

Still waiting on the others Leon goes to check on the food. Each dish is well prepared and ready to be set. Leon takes a dish one by one to the dining room table.

“ What an elegant meal you’ve prepared Leon,” Sarah exclaims. The words make Leon smile.

“ Yes it does look appetizing,” Wallace says dull full. Again the door bell rings and it is Bucky the Beaver.

“ Leon, nice to see you buddy,” Bucky says with a courageous tone” I sure hope you’ve made a good meal for us tonight.”

“ Hopefully so, now Bucky please sit down with the other guest,”

His final guest Henry the alligator and Susie the owl soon arrive. By the time everyone is in their seats the meal is made. Their stomachs growl waiting on their food.

“ This is delicious Leon,” Bucky tells Leon” may I ask what it is?”

With a large smile Leon tells his friend” a bit of bread with lamb through the middle,”

Suddenly they all let out gasps and even spit out their once eatable meal. Leon doesn’t like the sound of this.

“ What is the matter my good friends? Does it taste bland?”

“ Should we be eating lamb?” Susie asks” aren’t they also an animal?”

“ I must agree with the little lady Leon. Meats meat and we’re all some kind of meat,” Bucky says picking a large bit of lamb from his bucked tooth.

“ Alright then, I’ll cook all of you something else. We shall eat the veggies until then. May I ask how everyone’s days were?”

“ My day was pretty joyful. I chased a few rats out of Miss. Borrow’s garden,” Sarah tells them rattling her tail.

“ That sounds wonderful. How about you Bucky?”

“ I’ve been fixing up my back porch. The last hurricane did a dozy on it,”

“ I taught my daughter how to hoot. Let me say she is a real hoot,” Susie jokes. While discussing life Leon brings out plates of salads and other veggies or orderves. Each guest digs in.

“ Amazing taste. May I ask what dressing you have used?”

“ I can’t remember the actual name but it was some type of thousand island dressing,” Leon answers.

“ Doesn’t that dressing have turtle droplets? I’m not finishing this meal,” Wallace says shoving his plate away.

As the night and amazing dinner continues everything is falling apart. Leon worries and worries what may happen. Not being able to hold in his anger Leon flips.

“ Who ever wants to stay and enjoy a good evening of fine dining may stay. Who ever else wants to leave may do so now. I shall enjoy my meal without anyone starting arguments,” Leon exclaims.


The room grows quite and no one leaves the table. At the far end of the table, shy Henry asks a much needed question.

“ Do you have any crackers? Crackers do not have animal nor turtle inside them,”

“ I believe I have a few unique crackers in my kitchen,”

“ Good idea Henry and we could cook up some fish. I went fishing and caught some earlier today,” Bucky says.

“ Cheese don’t forget the cheese,” Susie says.


In the end, the friends had a wonderful feast and a pleasant time. But what will Leon serve on Thanksgiving?

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