✞chapter 3✞

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Lucy's PoV
I was so nervous for my date with Luke today. I don't even know what we are doing for the little date. I do have to admit Luke is pretty cute. Lucy you met him a week ago! What the hell is wrong me. Maybe it's love at first at sight. Psh as if.

Luke didn't give me his number so I'll have to guess what we are doing. I decide to put on a biking in case we go to the beach. He said not to dress too fancy so maybe I'll go with acid wash jeans, my hasley band tee and my red and black flannel.

I only decided on a bit of foundation and lipstick for my make up. I wasn't a big fan of make up. I rush downstairs and grab a green apple since I don't really like red ones. You just had to know that :P.

I play new Americana by hasley which is my new favourite song. I do a mini dance before deciding to pack some overnight things incase I stay over. Gotta be prepared! I sit on the sofa reading a random book from my books,elf u till I realised the time.

I grab my stuff and hurriedly pack it into the car. I start he car and plug in my iPhone to any random song. I tap my fingers to the beat while driving down the steady quiet roads.

Luke's PoV
How the hell could I get so nervous I'm he space of three seconds! Drops of sweat dripping from my forehead wasn't really helping either. I decide to talk to my mum about this sort of stuff because I'm pretty jack or Ben would just tease me.

"Hey mum I need your help in something!" I shout walking into kitchen were my mum was cooking.

"Sure what is it honey?"

"I'm nervous about the date what should I do to impress her?"

"Look at my boy going on his first date," mum smiles pinching my cheeks. Just like I remembered her.


"Oh sorry sweetie got a little bit too excited there, you don't have to do anything to impress her just be yourself and take her somewhere you can be alone," my mum explained.

"Thanks mum!" I shout leaving the kitchen thinking about my mum's words. I heard a loud knock at the door and instantly jack rushed to the door thinking it was his friend.

Jack opened the door to reveal Lucy. He smiled at her letting her in and he whispered something in his ear making he laugh as he rushes off upstairs leaving me and Lucy.

"Shall we go ma'lady," I say placing my arm around her shoulder.

"What a gentleman and I would love to," she laughed walking towards the door.

"See you later mum!" I shout before closing the door.

I open the car door for Lucy.

"You're so cliché Luke," she lays as u close the door and go round and open the drivers seat. I turned on my music to see pink fluffly unicorns dancing on rainbows playing on full blast making Lucy burst out in laughter.

"I love this song! Could first song hemmings," she laughs as me cheeks burn from the embarrassment.

I drive down to the woods were I asked jack and Ben set up a little picnic spot. It had an amazing view of the city. I always remembered it as a kid and jack took me to it yesterday and all the memories flooded me. He said it would be the perfect place to go.

I place a blindfold over Lucy's eyes as I lead her to were the picnic spot was. I took off her blindfold to reveal the sight in front of her.

Lanterns were hung along the tree branches a picnic basket was set out on a blanket near the cliff edge were the city lit up. It was beautiful.

"This is-I'm speechless Luke," Lucy says in awe.

"I'm glad you like it like it," I whisper in her ear before she sits down in the blanket gazing at the view. We both eat until we are full, I took Lucy's hand and dragged her closer to me hanging my legs over the edge of the cliff. She nuzzled her face into my neck.

I couldn't imagine anything better than this.

Lucy's PoV
The whole scene was amazing. I was speechless. I didn't think he would put that much effort into this date. I thought we was going to grab pizza or something. We sat near the cliff edge for what felt like forever until Luke gave me a note then left into the darkness.

He also gave me a lantern lamp thing to see. I didn't hi I he would just leave me in the dark alone on our date. I open the note to see a map. I rolled my eyes smiling at his dorkiness.

I follow the map to see the mig beautiful thing I have possibly ever seen. A huge treehouse surrounded by flowers. I Climb up the ladder to see Luke chilling out laying out on the oak wooden floors.

"And I thought the picnic was amazing," I breathed in amazement.

"I used to come here all the time as a kid," he says staying in his position on the floor.

I crawl my way over to him and cuddle with him. It was nice and silent but it wasn't awkward it was really nice to have each other's company. I see the clock to say it was 9:00pm.

"Do you want to stay here for the night?" Luke asked me looking deep into my eyes. (Cue the romantic music)

"Yeah but I left my stuff at your house I wish I could though maybe another time," I say sadly.

"No problem Ben brought your stuff," he smiled I laughed as I cuddled him tighter.

"Then I would love to this is really nice how did you even find his place?" I asked.

He explained everything to me and all he other stories about this tree house. I was so interested in what he was saying and I don't even know why. There was something lulling me closer and I couldn't control it and it was nice feeling this way.

We just stayed up and talked u till I felt like sleeping because tumblr nerds need sleep and Starbucks oh and music. The things we can't live without.

"Night Luke," I say tiredly.

"Night Luce," he relies in the same tone as me.

I open my eyes to see Luke smiling at me with yet another note in his hand. I laugh before taking it out of his hand and opening the note.

Be my girlfriend?

Was I really ready for this?
Sorry for not updating last week!

Been busy not like anyone cares anyway lol part 3/11 of this story.

See ya!
-soph :P

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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