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People are actually reading this!!!! Some how my writing isn't saving after I save it, so I have had to write this part, THREE TIMES!!! So flusterating. But, sorry for taking so long. I'll try to write more often. Enjoy


Amy's P.O.V.

The manager person started to leave and me and Grace waved to the boy band. They waved back as we left with the manager.

"Hay, umm, could you actually tell me where the bathrooms are first?" I asked the manager.

"Yes, they are down that hall, take a right and they'll be on your left." She replied.

I made my way to the bathrooms without getting lost (Imagine that), but when I got out, I saw One Direction walking past the hall I just turned at. They were laughing and joking, but there was also a small girl, no older than ten, that was quietly following them. She had a little pouch in her hand and was in the process of opening it, when I shouted something like, "hay, what's that!?!" Or maby something like, "what are you doing !?!" And sprinted towards her.

She, being suprized and startled, jumped at hearing me and the dust sprayed from the bag and covered both of us.

She screamed like she just touched acid, witch may as well happened, and ran like 'the wind' to the closest hall.

The boy band finally relized what took place behind them and they turned around in time to witness the escaping child. Somewhere in the jumbled scene, I slipped, fell and blacked out....


Louis' P.O.V

The day was tiring enough but this pushed it to the limit. We came up to the unconscious girl and what I saw couldn't be possible! She was one of the girls from the tour, but no!?!

" can someone please tell me that I'm dreaming.!" Niall said.

"Sorry mate, you're not dreaming." Zayn said flatly.

"You guys do relize she just saved us from.... this, right" I said shaken up frome this relizeation. Liam looked shell shocked from the mere idea.

"first," said Harry, the only one willing to state the obvious, "we should hurry so no one else sees her, and secondly, she,.."He faltered slightly, "saved us, so we can't leave her.!."

"How could you even consider that!" Liam said scoping Her up his hands very carefully.

We all nodded in agrement, and made our way to our rooms.

Yes readers quite obviously, she shrunk.

Peoples of wattpad, this is my original ending for the first one so sorry for the split story part.


Amy's P.O.V

I groaned and rolled over.

"Guys she's waking up!" A booming voice said. Strange, it sounded like someone I know,..

A careful "hi" from some person interrupted my thoughts. My eyes shot open and I came face to face with a giant.

I screamed. The gint guy screamed back. "Gah!" I yelled, covering my ears.

"Oh I'm so sorry..." He said a ton softer.

"It's fine." I say. It wasn't fine, my ears were ringing, I had no clue where I was, I was surrounded by five giant men. Wait,... five?

"o-One Direction!?!" I said in shock recognition.

"Yes love," Zayn said.

"Do you remember what happened?" Niall asked me.

I thought about it for a second, "I went to your concert, and we did the tour, met you, went to the bathroom, saw the girl..." My eyes widened, I remember all of it. The dust stuff!!!!

"Um. Helo. Earth to Amy. You were shrunk." I looked at who talked.

I mumbled "ya, that is painfully obvious to me at this point." I rolled back over to the other side of the blanket I was laying on. I closed my eyes and told myself that this was a dream, that it's was impossible. I opened my eyes again to the now very concerned boy band. I sighed and sat up. I relized I was hungry when my stomach made a deep rumbling noise.

"What time is it?" I asked. Wondering how long I was out.

"About eight." Harry said, taking out his phone. The quick and huge motion startled me and i jumped a little. Louis saw the motion and said, "carefull! We don't want to scare her."

"Sorry love." Said Hairy, and slowly put his phone back in his pocket.

"It's okay, I'm just not used to this yet. It's so strange" I replied. "Um do you have something to eat? I'm kinda hungry." As soon as the words left my mouth, Niall volunteered and slowly got up and walked (I should say thundered) towards the kitchen.

"Soo, what now I asked. But no one answered.


Muahaha! Another cliff hanger.

I am so evil. But thanks for reading, I appreciate the votes and coments, and I will update shortly. :) ;p :I

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