The Boy in the Tree House

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Summer's Dreams

The Boy in the Tree House

The very next day at noon, Asuna made her way down the same path. She couldn't help but feel a bit excited to see Kazuto again. It was strange, really. She met several boys before and not one intrigued her as much as he did. Kazuto was like a ball of mystery and energy. To her, it was just different. Heck, he was pretty straightforward...if it didn't directly pertain to his private life so much.

Shaking her head, Asuna climbed up the wooden ladder and looked around. Everything was just as they left it. The partially finished platform seemed a bit odd to her, but she figured that it wouldn't bother her once they finished that portion. She didn't have to wait long when she heard someone coming up the ladder.

"Ah! Asuna-san! You're here already? I hope I didn't make you wait!" Kazuto said as he pulled himself into the house. Asuna placed her hands together and gave him a light smile.

"Oh! Don't worry! I just got here." Asuna said with a smile, already reopening the box. "Saa, what's the plan today?"

"Hm? Well, I was thinking about getting a building or two done today." Kazuto said as he gave her a bright smile and began to finish up the platform. As he worked, Asuna couldn't help but notice that he was wearing a yukata again today. This time, it was light green with darker lines of dragonflies scattered everywhere. A lavender sash was tied around his waist. Again, Asuna's curiosity was bugging her.

"You're wearing a yakuza there something special happening?" she asked. Kazuto just shrugged as he clicked in the final piece to the platform.

"Oh, no. There isn't anything special. I just wear them everyday." was his answer. Asuna couldn't help but look at him as another question bugged her.

"Nee, Kazuto-kun?"


"...Why do you wear a yakuza everyday?"

"Hmm...I wonder why...?" Kazuto trailed off as he looked up at the roof in thought. A few seconds passed by and Asuna was sure he wasn't going to answer.

"Kazuto-kun...? You don't have to answer it if you don't—" she began, but Kazuto cut her off with a soft smile and a shrug.

"Ah~! I actually wear it everyday because everyone believes it's for the best." he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Asuna blinked.


"Is there something wrong about it?" he asked with a small tilt of his head.

"Ah, no! No, there isn't...I guess." Asuna answered, "It's just...that's a bit of a strange reason."

"Strange?" he said, the word rolling off his tongue as if it was unfamiliar to him. "I thought it was normal."

Asuna couldn't help but sweat drop. Well...if he thought it was normal then what could she say?

"A-ah...I see..." she stammered. Shaking her head, she began to start the very first building. Not even an hour later, Kazuto suddenly paused, as if he was contemplating on something.

"Nee, Asuna. Let's make a promise. Right here and right now." he said, placing his hands flat on the table.

"Eh? Wait a minute, what are you talking about?" Asuna said, as she took a small break from the puzzle.

"The puzzle. Can you promise me that no matter what happens that you'll help me finish this model?" Kazuto asked her. When she looked at him, she noticed that Kazuto was pretty serious. It was strange. She only met Kazuto a day ago, and already, it seemed like Kazuto trusted her this much.

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