Chapter 3-'Give me half an hour and I'll be in more than just your system.'

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A/N: Awesome trailer made by theshameless! thank you so much!


Explaining to my mother the reason for my sudden change of heart about going to London was anything but a fun time believe me.

Mostly because I was trying so hard not to explode and tell her that her husband was a lying, cheating weasel.

I know a lot of you are wondering why I didn’t just tell her, why I was lying to my own mother and covering up for my dad’s cheating ways. Unless you’ve been in that situation, you have no idea how hard it is. You don’t want to see your mum get hurt, but a part of me was wondering if it was best to keep my mouth shut all together because I didn’t want to see my mum and dad split up.

No kid wants to be the reason why their parents get a divorce. Even though technically I wasn’t the reason, my dad’s wondering dick was but I was all too familiar with that term about ‘shooting the messenger.’

She was fuming. I finally managed to bring myself to return back to the house, and I told her I was spending the weekend with Frankie instead. She wasn’t happy at all, saying I didn’t care about spending time with the family and was more interested in getting drunk with my friends.

I did tell her I was staying with Frankie so that we could spend the weekend hiking and doing productive activities. My mother however knew me too well and guessed my actual plans involved getting as drunk as a badger with an addictive personality.

I didn’t even bother to unpack, I just pulled out an old rucksack from my wardrobe and started stuffing a few clothes in there due to the fact I would be away for a whole weekend. I couldn’t go 3 days without changing my underwear, I've done some questionable things but that is vile even to me.

It was almost 6pm and I was meeting Frankie in a bit. As I predicted, the girl almost dropped an ovary in excitement when I text her and told her I was going to the Riverbank Riot after all. The reply involved a lot of capital letters, exclamation marks and remarks about how she loved me so much she was considering dipping into the lesbian pool tonight.

It wasn’t pretty.

I got changed, realising I had to somehow find the right attire for the battleground I was about to enter.

I decided because it was a sweatbox of a summer, I would throw on the predictable high wasted denim shorts. Before you think it, they weren’t those high wasted shorts where half of your ass was hanging out and everyone can basically see your exit hole. They covered my ass, don’t worry. I never understood why girls wear those shorts, I mean you are literally walking around like a baboon with your rear end on display, plus majority of the time they were so high they were sporting the good old toe of a camel.

It was disgusting, but quite amusing. Especially when they were oblivious they were modelling a crotch that looked like a taco.

Anyway, I threw on my shorts, putting on a sleeveless black top with it with the words ‘Fresh Prince’ on them (best show ever FYI, almost had a cow when I saw it in the shop) I put on my white all-star converse and decided that would do.

I spotted Frankie’s green camo jacket on the chair and decided to throw that on in case it got chilly later. I looked at myself in the mirror, and laughed as I literally looked like tumblr’s wet dream. All I needed was a pair of coloured Ray Bans, get someone to take a picture of me then instagram it and I would be sorted.

The jacket reached mid-thigh and was actually longer than my shorts, but to be honest I didn’t really care. I know it sounds bad, but as I said I was in a mood to forget problems and I was hoping to do that with a fellow male classmate’s genitals.

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