love suicide story

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                                                                           Chapter 1

Galinda bounced eagerly on her bed as she awaited for her date to arrive. She still had another hour before Fiyero would pick her up, but that didn't stop her from bubbling.

"For Oz sake will you calm down Galinda?" Her green roommate was growing dizzy at the sight of the blonde bouncing up and down.

"No." Galinda stuck her tongue out as Elphaba before continuing to bounce.

"Master Fiyero won't even be here for another hour or so." The green woman sighed. Why was Galinda so excited to go out with this boy who seemed to have air for brains? Galinda was so much better than Fiyero. Galinda deserved someone smart, someone that understood her, someone that loved all of her.

"That doesn't matter Elphie." Galinda stopped bouncing and hopped up from her bed. She was now going to hop on Elphaba's.

"What do you see in him anyways?" The green woman was curious as to what Galinda was attracted to. She would never admit it but she secretly had a crush on the blonde. Of course girls were not supposed to like girls and so she never told anyone of her true sexual orientation. Instead she closed herself off to love, realizing that she could never be with the person she fell in love with. It would be frowned upon.

"Well he's handsome for one thing!" Galinda giggled as she plopped down on her roommate's bed. "Plus he's a prince!"

"Oh." The green woman frowned. Galinda found Fiyero attractive. This upset her in more ways then one. That meant that if she thought Fiyero was handsome she must have looked like an ugly toad next to him. There was also the mention of his position. Even Thropp Third Descending didn't hold as much power as a prince.

"Don't you think he's cute?" The blonde asked her roommate who had still not looked her in the eyes. She didn't understand why Elphaba would be so friendly towards her, but whenever the subject of Fiyero came up she went back into her shell.

"If you're into that sort of thing." The green woman replied. Sure Fiyero was cute if you liked boys, but she didn't. She liked girls. One girl in particular.

"Well then what are you in to?" Galinda asked as she scooted a little closer to her friend.

"I don't know." The green woman shrugged. She did know though. She liked blonde hair and blue eyes. The embodiment of popularity. The exact opposite of her.

"Aww come on Elphie. Someone out there has to be your type. There are a bunch of cute boys in our science class. Do none of them attract your attention?" Galinda couldn't believe that Elphaba didn't know her type. Everyone knew what their type was. For the blonde it was dark hair and dark eyes. Fiyero fit the hair category but his eyes failed. It was a small detail that Galinda was willing to overlook.

"I haven't really noticed." Elphaba didn't lie this time. She hadn't noticed the boys in her class because she had been too preoccupied staring at Galinda who sat directly in front of her.

"How can you not notice? We are like the only two girls in that class!" Galinda couldn't believe that Elphaba hadn't noticed their other classmates. That's all Galinda could notice in that class.

"I guess I just pay attention to the lecture." Elphaba shrugged again. Truth be told science was actually her worst class at the moment because she was too busy staring at Galinda to listen.

"Oh." The blonde frowned. How come Elphie always shut down whenever she brought the topic of boys up? She wasn't willing to let up on the subject though. She still had about forty-five minutes until Fiyero picked her up so she needed to occupy her time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2013 ⏰

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