An Unfaithful Situation

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  • Dedicated to all my dear blog friends who support me!

Hi everyone!

This is my first time here, so I don't really know what to expect. This short story below is one of the many I love to write. I would much appreciate if you find the time to read and comment. It would mean so much to hear your feedback. If you like, I'll post the second part :)

Thanks so much, jos xx


Part 1

I’m in my bedroom. I’m getting ready. For a great night out. Sort of romantic. A surprise, he said earlier. On the phone. I’m nervous as hell. I'm panicking.

My laptop is on but surprisingly I’m not in any mood to listen to any type of music. 

I brush my hair slowly. I apply my red lipstick. I don’t like red. But I want to look confident. I want to feel his eyes all over me. I want to be his tonight. I want it to be amazing. I smile at myself in the mirror.

I’m happy.

Even though I shouldn’t. I know. What I’m doing is totally wrong. But I don’t care. Anymore.

….I’ll be married in less than two months. Mum is really proud. Dad is convinced that mine will be the best wedding ever. As he laughs on the phone and boasts about his newest car, I wonder if deep inside his heart he loves Jeremy more than he loves me. His own daughter.

Neither he or mum know a shit about me. They don't know how I feel inside. And they don't even suspect that...

I look at my watch.

It's finally 9pm. I'm ready.

I'm heading towards the door.

They think I'm meeting some bar...

I open the door and start walking. Fast. Really fast...

I almost stumble.

I hide behind some trees. I'm safe. I take a deep breathe. I dail his number quickly. I know it by heart.

He arrives in less than 5 minutes. I jump in his car and meet his gaze. God. His smile. His eyes. His everything.

"What did you invent this time?" he asks curiosly.

I smile. Both know that my lies don't count anymore.

Silence. Suddenly he stops the a dark road...somewhere. "You're so, so bad," he whispers as he approaches my face and starts kissing me. Hard.

"Wait," I whisper back. I stop him. Even though I don't want to stop myself. "And the romantic nightout? The surprize?"

"Let's say this is just the beginning," he says as he starts kissing my neck.

Suddenly he pulls me.

We're at the back seat.

"Fuck Jeremy," he whispers.

I laugh. He looks at me. Seriously.

He whispers, "You're all mine. Tonight."


What do you think about my first part? Is it worth it to post the second one? I would be really glad to hear from you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2011 ⏰

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