Chapter 8

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Katniss and Peeta stared out of the window of the train and gasped a everything that zoomed pass. The buildings were large and extravagant, the lights that shone from them was almost blinding. Haymitch staggered over to the pair of them and flung his arms around them

“Welcome to your death” he slurred Peeta shrugged him off and shot him a disgusted look. Haymitch humphed and walked back to the table, he took a long gulp of his ‘orange juice’. Peeta leaned over and grabbed Katniss’ hand but she immediately pulled it away

“Don’t ever touch me again” she spat Peeta nodded slowly and shuffled away from her, still looking out of the window. There were a few awkward moments of silence, Haymitch was eyeing Peeta evilly, and Peeta was staring at Katniss out of the corner of his eye. Katniss looked out of the window trying to ignore the look she was getting from Peeta. As more and more buildings whizzed past the window Katniss started to feel dizzy and her stomach began to churn, she stumbled over to the table and dropped down in the seat. Haymitch gave her a look of confusing but didn’t bother ask what was wrong, if he was being honest at this moment he couldn’t have cared less.

Loud deafening screams filled the train. “Wow!” Peeta gasped. People crowded around the side of the train cheering and waving, their faces were caked in makeup and most had some kind of enhanced feature. Peeta smiled happily at the unusual people and waved to them

“You might want to hold onto this” Haymitch said passing her the knife she had tried to stick into his hand only moments ago.

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