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:3 This one is based off of the vid in the media (NateWantsToBattle fan game.) So I suggest that you watch the first few minutes to understand it :)  (Also listen to dubstep with this XXXDD (or one of Nate's songs idec(I suggest Monster Inside or Nightmare :3)))


Sean's POV


My eyes flutter open for a quick second before closing again, but shoot open once I notice where I am. I sat up, taking in my surroundings. I was on what appeared to be a floating platform surrounded by 1's and 0's. I stood up quickly. "Who's there? Where am I?!" I hesitated for a moment. " I?" I asked no one in particular. "Calm down, Sean." A deep voice said. I spun around, but no one was there. Sean....It did sound familiar. "You're in what we call the Datascape, a place where lost codes go." The voice said. "What do you mean by 'lost codes'?!" I was starting to get frightened.

A different voice cursed under his breath. "You weren't supposed to tell him about the lost codes part, ya doof." The second voice said, annoyance clear in his voice. At this point I was frightened and confused. "Woah woah woah.....explain please." I said. The first voiced sighed. "If you have yet to catch on, you're a code. A computer program if you will. Just a bunch of 1's and 0's." He explained. "What he's saying, Sean, is that you're not a real human. You don't exist."The second voice chimed in. 

I stayed silent for a while before saying "But why can't I remember any of that?" The first voice spoke up. "Your data got corrupted, so you were transferred here." He explained. No matter how hard I thought, I couldn't really believe them. "How can I trust you guys?" The second voice spoke up after a short pause. "Because, Sean, we were your friends before all of.....this...." He said. "Well, can you show me what you look like? Maybe I'll remember you guys." I said. The first voice started to disagree, but the second convinced him. The first voice sighed. 

There was a few minutes of silence, but then there was a flash of light. I blinked a couple to regain my eyesight, but once it was back to normal, I jumped back. There were two men in front of me that I had yet to recognize. The one on the left had on a green hoodie, black jeans, and gray Converse high-tops. He had brown (He said in a BroKen podcast that it wasn't brown but screw it.) hair and he was wearing a mask with a pokerface, so I couldn't see his face. 

The second one had on glasses, a flannel shirt, denim jeans, and dark red Chuck Taylor's. He had black hair, brown eyes, and a half scraggly kinda unwashed untamed shadow of a half of a beard. (1UP to whoever gets that XD) I look at them for a while before I felt a searing pain in the back of my head. I was so intense that I clutched my head and fell to my knees, doubling over. They both ran over to me and sat down next to me. "Sean?!" The one in the glasses said, which I recognized at the second voice. I couldn't think straight. Memories were flooding into my head, pausing my thoughts. 

I remember now. Ryan and Mark, my two closest friends were next to me. Ryan was on the shy side when you first meet him, but once you get to know him, he could be a really nice guy. Mark, on the other hand, was outgoing and loud at times, yet kind and gentle. I remembered that I had a huge crush on him. I remembered all the times we hung out here, in the Datascape. I remembered that he confessed to me not too long ago, and I had kissed him. 

After my memory came back, I looked up at my friends, who were looking at me with worry on their faces. Well, I'm not sure about Ryan. "Ryan..? Mark..?" I whispered out. They smiled - I'm guessing - and hugged me tightly. "Sean! You''re ok.." Mark's voice cracked at the end, hinting that he was about to cry. "Of course I am, Markimoo. Of course.." I said. Mark let go of me and looked me in the eyes. "You called me Markimoo....You called me Markimoo!!" He had the biggest grin on his face. By this point, Ryan was just off to the side watching, probably smiling. "Why wouldn't I? I love you after all." I said. Right after I said that, he crashed his lips onto mine. I kissed back, smiling slightly. He pulled away and hugged me again. 

"I love you so much, Sean.."



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