Chapter 1

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Water was splashed in my face, making my eyes open to the bright sun staring back at me. I groaned and sat up, thinking, That wasn't very nice of whoever did that. Frowning, I felt the sand under my hands. Was that there the day before? I wasn't sure. I didn't remember going to sleep, to be honest.

My eyes widened at the body of water in front of me. I hurried to me feet and said, "That lake was not here before!" That was one thing I hated and loved about Wonderland. The most random things happened.

I walked over and dipped my finger in the water and rubbed it between my fingers. "This is awful salty. I don't think lakes are salty. Or maybe that's a river... No, I'm sure it's both that aren't brackish." I thought for a second before shaking my head. "Of course! Lady Mouse must have made it by crying! But how would I have known that? Well, I'm most certainly not going to waste my time pondering."

I turned to a house behind me. It was tiny, but since I was asleep right outside it, I figured it was mine. I wasn't completely sure, but I had to be there for a reason. I walked up the steps to the door, and I felt hands around my waist. "My beautiful sparrow, would you like to dance into the night with me?"

I knew who it was from the voice, "Turtle, get off of me! You're such a flirt!" I struggled to get out of his grip.

The Mock Turtle asked every woman to dance with him. He apparently loved balls and parties and often held them in his home, since he was a noble. He was rather dramatic. He had blonde hair and purple eyes. Turtle always wore a white suit with his green shell on his back. For most people, his charm would work, but not on me.

He turned me around and dipped me, making our faces very close together. "Oh, my sparrow, don't fight your own desires. A frown does not suit your pretty pink lips," he purred and brushed his fingertips over my mouth. My eyes widened and I finally managed to get away.

"The nerve!" I exclaimed, stomping down the stairs. I ignored his rubbish apology and walked to the shore once more. That turtle was going to get into trouble one day if he kept up that act.

Not too far away in the lake, I saw two rowboats. One held the Frogman, the Flamingo, the Fish Footman, and the Hedgehog. The other had Lady Mouse, her maid, Dodo, and someone I didn't know. I racked my brain, remembering everyone who was a resident in Wonderland, but none were that person. I knew everyone in Wonderland. Just who was he or she?

There was something else in the water. It was quiet large and was creating a huge wave. When I saw silvery-white fur, I knew it had to be the Puppy. Awful luck for those poor blokes, I thought. The Puppy crashed into them, and I heard all the sailors screaming.

It didn't take long for six of the rowers to pop back up, but I realized the unknown hadn't. Had something happened? Could they not swim? I waited a little longer, and though I did not know who it was, I was beginning to worry. God damn, I'm not really going to go save their ass, am I? I asked myself. I sighed. I was.

I jumped in and was relieved to find that I could swim. I didn't know before I dived. I probably should have made sure, but my legs and feet were moving the right way, so it doesn't matter. The salty water stung my eyes, but I had to keep them open to look for the lost person. I soon resurfaced to gasp for more air. I didn't dive too far down afterwards. I was trying to see if maybe I could see them from there. Luckily, I spotted a figure deep in the water. It looked like a person, but it didn't seem to be moving. It was letting the water take them wherever it wanted to.

I dived down and caught the person's hand. I pulled them to me and wrapped my arm around their waist. My feet kicked until we had both reached the surface. I heard whoever it was gasp and knew they were breathing. I smiled, I did well. I'll be able to find out who you are, now. I slowly managed my way back to shore and dragged whoever it was on the beach. I fell onto the sand from exhaustion.

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