Chapter 9

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My eyes popped open. I was bursting with energy! I must have slept a long while. I frowned at the thought. That wasn't right. It had to be, hadn't it? There was no other way to explain how I had ended up where I was. I didn't remember stopping to nap, though....

I sat up and looked around. I didn't remember how I had gotten off the path, or why I was lying down against a tree. All I remembered was saying that I would love to live in London. If anything had happened before that, I had no clue. Something had to, though. How else could I explain my sudden misplacement of myself?

I stood up and called, "Ciel! Where are you?" Obviously, he would have some knowledge of what was going on. He came around from the other side of the tree with wide eyes. "Oh, sorry for yelling. I didn't realize you were so close."

"What are you doing up? You need to rest! We aren't moving for the rest of the day!" Ciel ordered.

I frowned, confused, "Why? And what happened? Why are we here?"

"You passed out, Alice. You've been asleep for hours. Your heart... it stopped for a few seconds," he told me. He looked amazed I was even standing.

"Proper strange, yeah?" I joked. Then, I froze. "You didn't revive me, did you?" Oddly enough, the thought didn't disturb me as much as it should have.

He blushed, "No! Your heart started again on its own. I'm not sure what happened. Why it stopped and started is a mystery." I had no information on that ever happening before. Like I said, no one was ever sick, with the exception of me. I seemed to always be the exception to everything. Being different was getting tiring. "But the doesn't matter right now. You need sit down! You aren't in any condition to be up and about!"

I became stubborn as I placed my hands on my hips, "I concur. I feel fine, Ciel."

He glared, "No, I don't want to take that chance. After the episode you had last night and how you've fainted today, I don't think it's a wise choice to be walking around."

"Who cares? We're getting close, and we already lost half the day because of me. Let's just go!" I pressed. I began to walk away.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "I care! Finding Sebastian isn't worth losing your life! I'm serious, Alice." The tone he was using scared me a little. It must have been the one he used during business because it held a bunch of frightening authority. He wasn't messing around. I still screwed my lips to the side as I contemplated his demand I had turned into a request in my mind. Was it really worth it? I felt fine. Then again, I felt fine that morning, and then I fainted.

I sat against the tree. I surrendered, "Fine. I'll just sit here all day, full of energy, with nothing to do. Splendid." At least, I was smart enough to know when I had lost.

He sat next to me, "I'm just trying to make sure you're safe."

I sighed, "I know. Thank you. I appreciate it, really. I probably would be dead by now without your scoldings."

Ciel laughed a little, "I suspect nothing else would have happened." We sat in a moment of silence. "Just what would you have done had you not found me?"

"Follow the paths and go where they bring me, I guess. I'd have many adventures. I'd get hurt and have some laughs, I'm sure. I might have eaten something just for the fun of it. There is this place called Candy Eyes Patch. It's filled with candy floss trees that grow sugar eyeballs. They're supposed to be delectable. Maybe I'll go there when this is all over," I stated.

"It does sound fun," Ciel nodded.

"As long as you don't go at night. That's when the eyes grow legs and make candy floss webs to capture people and eat them," I told him. Then, I laughed. "Actually, that does sound fun! I might try it at night!"

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