Ski and Kasai

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Ski's P.O.V

I'm Ski and I'm from Sabertooth, the most powerful guild in Fiore.
I'm a girl.
15 years old.
I wear black clothes and people call me 'emo'.
My hair is black and long, like my dad's, but my face is identical to my mothers, at least that's what people say, but my eyes are a deep red.

I don't have that many expressions.
I have a best friend his name is Scar.
Scar is blonde with chocolaty brown eyes, and we are super close.

I don't get that many friends because people say I tend to be extremely boring and dull.

I'm a shadow dragon slayer, and Scar is the white dragon slayer.

But that's because I hate people.

Some people have acceptions.

I'm apparently nothing like my model mother. She's pretty, kind, and sweet.

What does that make me?

Anyway, I have one friend.

Many enemies, like Fairy Tail members because they were mean to my mother at some point.

I honestly don't care.

Since you need to understand my life I'll show you one of my normal days...

"Ski!" Scar yelled waving both his hands in my face annoyingly.
I stare at him, "what is it?"

"I was talking to you for an extremely long amount of time, why did you ignore??" He asked like a child.
"Because. I've told you this a million times. I. Don't. Care. If I did I'd be listening," I shrugged emotionlessly, I don't even need to describe what I said as emotionlessly because that's how I say everything.
"You never talk," he wined.
"Precisely," I say simply.


We were sitting in the guild, at a table. We always sit in this specific table and if anyone EVER takes our seats, well. Let's just say... it won't be pretty.
Judas learned that the hard way.

Judas is the son of Rufus. We don't know his mom. It's apparently some big secret.

All Scar and I do is look intimidating.
"Anyways Ski I was thinking of making a surprise visit to our enemy guild... Fairy Tail," Scar said with a smirk.
I nodded, "I shall join you."

I couldn't care less but when we became the new twin dragon slayers we became inseparable also its my duty to keep him out of trouble.

"Can I come?" Diggie asked.

Diggie Redfox. The eldest son of Levy McGarden and Gajeel Redfox.
Super strong, Iron dragon slayer with a little knowledge of script magic.
Many years ago, Levy and Gajeel joined my mom and left Fairy Tail together.

Scar turned to me for an answer.
I shrugged.

"Yah!" Scar said happily and we had Ether tell Scars father what we're doing.

Ether is short but I've only stepped on her twice. She's got a huge mouth with her. But the best part about her is she gets scared easily so she does as I say.

She's not the only one scared of me because my father once killed my mother. Everyone thinks I'm heartless or something.

I don't think I am.

Anyways that was my day but later it'll change...

Kasai's P.O.V

I'm Kasai Dragoneel and I'm from Fairy Tail. The best guild in all of Fiore!
I'm a boy.
16 years old.
I wear light colored clothes like white or light grey.
People say I'm a spitting image of my father, except for my hair because it's white like my mom's.

I have my mom's and dad's attitude.

When someone challenges me I'll fight.

When someone's nice to me, I'll be nice to them unless they're Sabertooth!

Sabertooth is the worst!

After what that Lucy chick tried to do to my mom!

Ugh! I can't even think about her! But I can't stand the twin dragon slayers, they think they're soooooooo perfect.

I smile like my father, and I'm a fire dragon slayer.
I can't stand cocky people.

My best friend's are everyone in Fairy Tail! But my best friend is Gray Junior. Him and I are buds.

Gray Jr. Is a player and Heartbreaker unlike his dad Gray. He has blue hair and black eyes, and unlike his father his eyes are big and bright. He's got a good attitude and is a funny guy.

Well this was my day...

"Hey Kas! What's up?" Gray Jr. Asked using the nickname he gave me.
We were sitting with our group: Ara, and Walli.
Ara is strong but extremely shy and doesn't have tha1t many friends. She's got really pretty scarlet hair and a tattoo. She is strong when she tries to be.

Walli, is a joker. All he does is joke around. Sometimes at very inappropriate times. He has blonde hair and is a takeover mage.

"Yeah you've been heating the silence!" Walli tried to make a joke but sounded extremely stupid in the process.

"Ha ha? I've just been thinking..." my voice trails off.

"Oh? What about?" Ara asked sweetly.
"Oh, nothing really. Just about next year's games," I finish with a lie.

"Oh," Ara said meakly.

"Yeah... you were pissed because you couldn't go last year! That kid... what was his name again? Whatever his name was broke your arm!" Gray Jr. Said thinking of last year.

I growl at the memory, "it was not a he. It was a she! Ski Cheney!"

I hate Ski! She is so cocky because her mom was once in Fairy Tail and is telling everyone that my mom kicked her out! I hate her with passion.
She and I got into it last year and yes I broke my arm but it had nothing to do with her!

Except for the fact that she used her shadow dragon mode whatever it's called and scared me.

I had fallen and landed on my arm.

That's why I tell everyone it was her fault because it was close to being her fault.

"It's not her fault your a wimp!" A voice yelled from the entrance of the guild catching everyone's attention.

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