two | never gonna leave you

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[ dedicated to Aph. You have inspired me in so many ways within a short amount of time, ily <3 ]

song above is 'King and Lionheart' by Of Monsters and Men.

p.s. cover made by melina (snoozes), thanks, lovely!


THE FERVOR OF my proclamation diminished within a span of two weeks. After their numerous failed attempts to convince me to retract my plan, the twins had finally given up on convincing me that it was a bad idea, and instead, decided to help.

However, that burning passion that ignited my daring side was now long gone. It might have been the fact that I just realized the weight of what I wanted to do, or maybe it was how hopeless I found the whole situation to be.

Interacting with Jax was the same as always. I had spent almost every waking moment with him, and it disappointed me greatly as each day passes. Because as each day passes, it seemed that he reminisced more about Adeline, and each lingering memory made him sink deeper into that hole. It hurt, really, it did. It sent a sharp bullet into my heart knowing that he was still in over his head for her. And the shrapnel from that bullet came in repeated waves each time I fail to procure any ideas to make it better, lessen the pain.

It wasn't the twins' fault really. They were supportive of the course of action I chose to take. Well, Laurie was, Theo simply nodded his head and did not offer any inputs. But after these two weeks of passive silence and absolutely blank ideas, I could tell that Laurie was getting restless, maybe even Theo. If I were to make a prediction about my best friend, it was that eventually, her supportive and silent understanding exterior would crack and she would eventually tell me to do something.

That theory was, of course, proven right when just a day ago, after class, when she presented a stack of papers in front of me. If there was anything you needed to know about Laurie Easton aside from her bluntness, it was her laziness. That was why my eyes widened to the size of saucers when I saw the amount of effort it had to take her to get what was written in those papers.

"You can thank me later on," she had said, a smug smile playing across her lips, "but right now we have to actually get you the guy."

Now it would actually be a lot easier if what was written in those papers were some girly magazine advice tips like, 'how to make him not look at you like you're his best friend' or 'how to take a leap and still not ruin your friendship'. But what was actually displayed in those papers were background information on Jax's relationships. All of them.

I already knew most of these stuff, being the commentator of these relationships on the sidelines. However, it wasn't about Jax's side. These papers were all about his girlfriends' basic information. When I had asked Laurie why I would need these, she responded vaguely of finding patterns.

That was what led us to this moment. Lounging on the Eastons' living room and feasting on junk food, discussing what our next method of action was to be.

"I suggest you guys do the whole Stockholm syndrome thing." Theo announced, mouth full of chips.

Looking at him incredulously, I was about to state that I was not going to kidnap my best friend just to infuse some sort of romantic attachment.

However, Laurie was more surprised by the fact that her twin brother knew about this said psychological effect. "Have you been listening to my One Direction albums?"

Theo visibly paled as he tried to defend himself, "You left it on my room on replay!"

"And you actually continued playing it?" she was smiling now, "You're a fan now, Theodore."

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