Chapter Six: A Most Horrible Discovery

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I always wondered what was going on in Eli’s head. Sometimes he’ll just do something so stupid and I think to myself how the hell held any postion of power for his company. He must be book smart because he sure as hell wasn’t street smart. I rolled my eyes as Eli attempted to fix the bathtub. Apparently, it was clogged or something. I wasn’t sure but it was hilarious watching him trying to figure out how to fix it.

“Eli, perhaps, we should call a plumber,” I suggested.

“No Caleb,” he huffed. “I’m not wasting any money on a plumber. I can fix this myself.”

“You know you said the same thing about our marriage,” I muttered sarcastically. “And you see how that ended up.”

“Don’t you have something else to do besides nag me,” Eli retorted. “God, we’re not even married and you’re still annoying the shit out of me.”

“Now who’s cranky,” I snorted. “Don’t take your anger out on me because you can’t fix the bathtub. Wasn’t Sam’s dad a plumber? Maybe he knows.”

“I’m not calling Sam,” he huffed. “Thanks to you, Sam and Nick have been making fun of me.”

“Making fun of you for what?” I asked.

“Because you told Sam that I’m a bottom,” Eli huffed. “Thanks for that.”

“But you are a bottom,” I shrugged. “Sorry I didn’t know it was a huge secret. Can you just call Sam? I’m not going to not shower because you’re friends are making fun of you.”

“Caleb, leave me alone, and I’m a power bottom thank you,” Eli groaned. “God, go do something with yourself.”

“Power bottom? I’ll let that one slide and I will go,” I muttered. “I’m going to go and call Sam as matter of fact.”

“As if he’d pick up,” he chuckled. “He doesn’t like you. I think he calls you Controlling Caleb, now.”

“I am not controlling,” I sighed. “I just like things done a certain way. I am highly opinionated.”

“Highly opinionated! Oh please! Spare me the sob story, Caleb! You constantly tell me that the failure of our marriage was my fault! Well sorry to burst your bubble but it was your fault too,” Eli said throwing his tools down onto the ground. “It takes two to fuck up a marriage. I tried to be patient with you but all you did was nag, nag, nag! Eli this! Eli that! Eli! Eli! Eli! You criticized every single fucking thing I did. You are the most controlling human being I have ever met.”

I bit my lip not saying a thing, while he spoke. It sounds like he wanted to say this for quite some time now. He probably rehearsed it.

“Are you finished?” I asked trying to hold back my anger.

“Yes I am,” Eli replied.

“Fine,” I said. “I’m leaving but I swear to god don’t ask me for anything Eli Samuel Mancini. Don’t ask me for nothing.”

“Oh trust me I won’t,” Eli sighed.

Having said that, I stormed out of the bathroom without another word. Eli was officially on my shit list. I didn’t want to hear a fucking word for him. I can’t believe he went off on me like that. He criticized me for our marriage. I am sick of tired of people calling me controlling. God, I was not that bad in our marriage. He was acting like I was the husband from hell or something?All this shit happened so long ago. Someone was hung up on the past.

And for the next few hours, I brooded in the living room with anger thinking about all the shit that Eli had said. I had the sour feeling that everything Eli had said was true. I am controlling. I did always criticize him even more so now that we aren’t together. I was a terrible husband.

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