Cause Your Shine is Somethin' Like A Mirror (The BoyBand Project One Shot)

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Enter through the front door, it’s unlocked. Then come out to my backyard. I wanna show you something. :) xoxo ~Zac

I did just as he said in his text, and as I entered his backyard, a slight, cool breeze blew back my long, brunette hair. I looked in the distance, into the beautiful horizon; displaying a splatter of yellow, orange, and red across the sky. The sun slowly sets as night time gradually consume the day. Then I remembered who I was here for. “Zac?” I called out. Thin, strong, tan arms wrap around my waist as I gasped in surprise. “Yes baby?” he said in a hushed tone next to my ear. “You wanna show me something?” I asked, as I adjusted my head to have a glimpse of his sexy, handsome face. He nodded and leaned down to give me a small peck on the lips. Those dang butterflies setting off in the pit of my stomach.

What is this boy doing to me? Whatever it is, I don’t ever want it to stop.

I frowned slightly as he pulled away from the kiss and from our comfortable embrace. He was now in front of me and as he slowly backed away, I was startled to see Levi was standing a few feet behind him. Where the heck did he come from? I didn’t get a chance to ask my question as Levi started singing,

“Aren’t you somethin’ to admire,

cause your shine is somethin’ like a mirror.

And I can’t help but notice,

you reflect in this heart of mine.”

That’s when I realized that they were singing to “Mirrors” by Justin Timberlake. When it came to the chorus; Brandon, Mathias, and Nick came out from behind the bushes as the three of them joined together to what they call themselves, The Boy Band Project. They all sang in perfect harmony and danced with perfect rhythm. Zac came up to me and placed his hands on my waist as he continue to sing,

“You are, you are the love of my life.

You are, you are the love of my life.”

Then they went back to the chorus, as they were standing in a straight line horizontally, they each held out a white rose for Zac to collect. After he collected the last rose from Levi, he came over to me. “Surprise!” he whispered with happiness and love in his eyes, then handed me the beautiful, small bouquet of roses. I took the roses and engulfed him in a huge bear hug. “Is that why you have been canceling plans with me these past two weeks?” I asked, still in his arms. “Yea! I wanted it to be perfect and memorable because I just wanted to show you how lucky I am to be yours. I don’t ever want to lose you.” he responded sincerely, looking into my eyes with all honesty and passion. I hugged him even tighter, if that was possible. “I’m the lucky one, not you.” I said, finally letting go but still having my arms around his neck. “You’re both lucky! Don’t start with the mushy, love struck ‘I’m the lucky one. No, I am’ kind of stuff, please.” Levi said in an annoyed but joking tone. We all laughed as the four of them headed inside Zac’s house. "Leave it to Levi to ruin the moment." Zac commented. We both chuckled and then I said to him, “Thank you for all this! It really means alot. No words can describe how I’m feeling right now. You really are the best boyfriend, Zac Mann. And I’m more than glad and lucky to call you mine.” “I love you.” he says with a genuine smile and leans down to meet his lip with mine. 


I wrote this in history class.... I'm sorry Mr. F, I wasn't paying attention during your lecture about whatever you were lecturing about... hee hee. 

Anywaysss! Vote, Comment, Share, Follow! Hope you enjoyed it. :)

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