Daddy's little Thug princess

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As I walk into the trap,
What I see does not amaze me.

Me: Dante tell ya bish To take some Tylenol for her knees when she's done giving you head.
Now where is my Father?

Dante flipped me off and pointed to the "Interrogation" chamber.

I walked in the room and my dad was busting this young dudes face up.

Me: Papá, tenemos que hablar!
Ahora mismo!

Papá put up his hand signaling me to silence myself.

Macheté/Papá: Un momento Ángel.

He said as he punched the man in the jaw, I just waited by the door as my Father continued talking to the young man.

Macheté:*to the young man* you see, you would not be in this situation if you just paid me my money by the deadline. See by you not paying me, you mess with not only my money but my daughter money.

Once I got a good look at the young man I realized that this was the sucka that been running from me because he Ain't pay me back my 45 mil.

Me: Papá, déjame matarlo.

He stepped away from the man as I whipped out my gun and shot the man in his head and chest a total of 45 Times.

Father looked at my Great marksmanship before making his way over to the far away corner that I was standing in.

Macheté: Fantastic Shootah skills Ashanti.

Me:Papá we need to talk about the trade going on with with us and the Colombians.

Macheté: let's go to my office.

~~~in Macheté's office~~~

Macheté: So what did you want tell me?

Me: The Colombians said that somebody has been stealing more than half of the shipments Every month.

Daddy had a look on his face that said " Tf is going on " Raising an eyebrow as he leaned forward on his desk with his hands in one fist over his mouth.

Macheté: I want you,your little brother Marco, and Dante to go to the carrier planes and I want you to personally deliver the shipment to Columbia and see who is "stealing" the shipments.

Me: Yes Papá.

Macheté:your dismissed.

I left his office and went home.

*after the drive home*

When I got home I pulled my car into the garage and went inside.

Me:Marco y Pedro Estoy en casa(Marco and Pedro I'm home)

(A/n: Pedro is her 7 month old son)

Marco came downstairs with Pedro in his arms.

Marco: Took you long enough.

Me: Whatever. Where is Mamá?

Marco: She is upstairs in the Office.

Me: Jr,Renaldo,Sinniqué,and Enrique are...?

Marco: In the back yard.

Me:Did Mamá cook?

Marco: No she wasn't feeling well today so she told me to do it. Dinner is Ready and on the stove.

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