Daddy's little thug princess 2

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(Last chapter continued)
(P.S: it is 11:00 in the morning right now in this chapter)

I got scared really quick, and by the look on Dante's face he's more afraid than I.

Macheté: Dante wat chu doin hea foo?*Folds his arms over his chest*

Dante: Sir, I came over here to talk to my wife and to meet my son.

Macheté: Anything you got ta say fa yo self Ashanti?

Me: No Papá, I invited him over here to meet Pedro and we ended up talking things out.

Macheté: ¿Y dónde está el resto de la familia? (And where is the rest of the family?)

Me: *calls them into the sitting room* ¡Mamá,Júnior,Naldo,Sinniqué,Enrique,Marco.Papá está en casa, entrar en la sala de estar !

Marco went to help Mamá down the stairs while everyone else was coming in to the room.

Once everyone was seated Mamá began to speak in her soft French Canadian accent.

Mamá: what is the matter Mon amour?

Macheté: Was anyone else aware of the urgent business trip to Colombia? Well besides You Princessa.

Everyone shook their heads no except For me and Dante.

Macheté: Well, soon I will be sending Dante,Marco, and Ashanti to Colombia to take care of some business.

Renaldo: Since when Do you send her on international trade deliveries?

Roarie:*gasp* Renaldo Reneé- Charles Cortez!

Macheté: I suggest you lower your voice and listen. The only reason I am letting her go to Colombia is so she can get used to doing things like this so that if I die she will take over my empire and be able to handle international and National Trade/ business on her own.

Renaldo: it's not fair Papá! Júnior is your first born, he should be the one to take over.

Júnior: But I don't want it, Your too much of a Hot head,Enrique already is over the Mexico city area, Sinniqué is moving right after the wedding. So that leaves Ashanti and Marco.

Ashanti: and of course Papá is sending Dante with me , Dante is still family even though we aren't married anymore.

Dante: *clears his throat and looks at Ashanti*

Ashanti: Well we're working on it.

Mamá: How soon is "soon" Macheté?

Macheté: Soon as In 3 months from now.

Mamá: Ok *looks over and sees Dante holding the baby* Mon peu de sucre.

I gently picked Pedro up out of Dante's arms and gave him to Mamá so that she could play with him.

Sinniqué's phone rang and he answered.

Sinniqué: *on the phone* Hello... Right now?.... Yes Metry....I don't wa(Gco)... Ok ok ok, I will be home in a few minutes....yes Sa'metry....I love you too....Yes Sa'metry....Ok......Ok....Yes ma'am....Goodbye Sa'metry.*hangs up* Papá I got to go pic this girl up from the house and take her to taste cakes.

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