Pilot 2

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Chapter Two

"Jeremy!" I gasp as a hand grabs my arms and pushes me against a tree.

"Hey, Gilbert," I feel hot breath on my skin.

"Tyler?" I let out a squeak and try to ram him off me.

"Let's have some fun."

"Get the hell off me!!" I yell at Tyler while struggling in his arms. He kisses my cheek and travels to my neck. He suddenly grabs my face roughly and slams our lips together. In my head, I scream for help but no one can hear my thoughts. I bite his lip hard, he lets go with a grunt, and I feel a piercing ache on my cheek which caused me to fall on something hard. Quickly darkness takes over me as I hear a high pitch scream.


"Ugh," I groan as I feel a headache quickly coming on. My hair lays all over the place and I'm covered with a hospital dress.

"You're awake," Elena says sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed. I look at the end of the bed and see Jeremy asleep, his head rests near my leg.

"Has he been here all night?" She nods silently.

"Why didn't you tell him to go home?" I sit up and watch as Jeremy let out heavy breaths.

"I told him repeatedly, but he insisted," Elena states.

"What happened?"

"Jeremy saved you," My eyes widen, "He first beat the crap out of Tyler and then ran away with you." I look over to him in deep thought. "We called the ambulance and then we found..." Elena said trailing off.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows as she stays silent. "Elena what?!"She jumps a little. Feeling awful for startling her I apologize to her, she nodded understandably.

"Nina, we found Vicky."

"What?" I was confused why would Vicky be at the bonfire?

"She was bitten by a wild animal."

After 2 hours of tests, I gathered my things and Elena drove me home. Jeremy stayed to check on Vicky. The whole day Bonnie and Caroline stayed over and check up on me. After hours of talking non-stop, Bonnie and Caroline left.

"Hey, Nina do you want pizza?" I look up from my book and see Elena leaning against the door frame to my bedroom.

"Um, sure thanks," I smile and then the doorbell rang from downstairs. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Who's that?" She shrugs her shoulders.

I get up and walk downstairs right behind her. She opens the door to reveal Stefan Salvatore. Elena smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Stefan," Elena stepps aside, "want to come in?"

He shook his head and smiled "Thank you but I just came to check on Nina," I glance at him and I noticed he had been staring at me the whole time.

I step back and smiled. Elena frowned but quickly smiled again "Ok I'll be in my room," she says and walks back up the stairs.

I grab my sweater from the couch and close the front door to step outside with him.


"Hey," I smile.

"I wanted to know if you were okay," he said sitting on the swinging bench. I sit next to him and hold my sweater tightly to my chest.

"I'm fine Stefan," I say rolling my eyes.

"Were you scared?"The question came out and I was shocked. He was the first person to ask me that.

"Truth?" I asked because most people would rather hear lies.

He nods "Truth."

"I-I...Stefan, I was scared out of my mind," I laugh nervously.

He frowned, "You're laughing."

"Yeah, I'm sorry," I say looking back at him.

He shakes his head "I want to rip him to shreds for doing that for you," he growls.

"Stefan, I'm fine, some bruises here and there but I'm fine," I state, not sure if I was telling the complete truth. "Thanks for checking up on me," after seconds of silence and just gazing up at the clear black sky Stefan stands up and smiles at me.

"Bye Stefan."

"Bye Nina."


"Wait, I'm confused are you a witch or psychic?" Caroline asks Bonnie.

"Grams said I was from a long line of Salem witches she tried to explain some more but she passed out cause all the liquor" We all laugh walking down the halls of the school."Crazy family yes, witches? I don't think so," Bonnie says as she shakes her head.

"Well feel free to conjure up the name and phone number of the guy from last night," Caroline says while looking off into space.

I stop them with me being confused and all, like always. "Wait, wow what guy? What happened to I'm going to marry Stefan Salvatore we are planning a June wedding?"I said laughing.

"Last night at The Grill this really hot guy was looking at me but I was too drunk to do anything," I laugh at Caroline's quick answer.

"I didn't even see him so" Bonnie said while putting her hands up. I laugh shaking my head.

"It's Jeremy!" Ashley, a girl from my biology class, suddenly ran over to us and stops us.

"What happened Ashley calm down!" I began to panic.

"He is going to fight Tyler" she tried to explain.

"Where is he now?" I look at Caroline and Bonnie who also had wide eyes.

"He is going to the back of the school!" Ashely started. I nod and start to run, Caroline and Bonnie were calling after me.

The second I step outside I see Jeremy throw a punch at Tyler. I gasp and run over. "Jeremy!!" I yelled and grabbed his shirt, but he pushed me back with his arm gently.

"You're dead Gilbert!" Tyler jumps on Jeremy and they both fell. Tyler was beating Jeremy really badly.

"Someone needs to go get a teacher!" One of the students yell.

"Tyler stop!" I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled with all my strength and fell back. I promptly pick Jeremy off the grass and push him behind me. Tyler ran up quickly but stops when he recognizes me.

He glances at me with sad eyes and grabs his bag off the floor stomping away. I sigh and turn to Jeremy and punched his arm hard.

"Don't you ever do that again." Jeremy stomped away without another word.

Caroline and Bonnie stand there in shock. I grab their arms and drag them inside. "Remind me not to mess with you...ever," Caroline says letting out a laugh.

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