I'm the type of person that cries over stupid things. I'm the girl that's always in the background. The one that no quite understands. I hate third wheeling but don't say much about it. I'm the one that listens to everyone's problems but mine never get heard. I'm the one with real problems but no one ever seems to notice. I'm the one that falls too hard and ends up hitting the ground at the end. But it's okay I like the pain. I tend to fall in love and then get the chair pulled out from under me and someone stole the thing I love from me. But it's okay bc I'm use to it. It'll only sting for a moment when you don't realize I'm there and then do. But it's okay I'm amune to those things because I'm fairly crushable. I fall to the ground and struggle to get back up on my own. You try I see that but trying and doing are totally different ide like to feel you hugging me, see you talking to me, smiling while you hold my hand, and thinking of you when I go to sleep you're the one that crushes me everyday when you mention her think of her it makes me realize you don't see me the way you use to. I wish you did but you don't. Treat her better than you did me. Make her smile bigger than you did me. Make her fall harder than you did me. Because you. You're a work of art and I'm just fairly crushable. I'm still finding my pieces I think you took a few with you but that's okay you'll still have a piece of me. Because I'm very crushable😔