Chapter 3

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I got dressed and put makeup on the bruise on my face. I looked like me again. Happy and quite beautiful if I do say so myself. Jacob walked in, in his tux ready to leave out.

Jacob: You look beautiful.

He smiled I smiled too.

Krysten: Thanks. You look handsome.

Jacob: Thank you love. Ready to go?

I nodded my head yes and we left.




I heard them arguing and I knew it. She could've told me. I'm trustworthy and I'm really pissed off. Not at Krysten, but Jacob. How could he put such a beautiful kind and loving girl in so much pain. Physical pain. Verbal pain. Emotional pain. I got a call from Chresanto. One of my friends that went to college out here in NY.

Prince: What's good Chres.

Chres: Nothin much I just was calling to see how your first couple of weeks have been here in New York.

Prince: Good for the most part. I'm staying at my brother's house.

Chres: You mean your "twin".

Prince: Since you still don't believe me why don't you come over and see for yoself then nigga.

He laughed.

Chres: I'll just do that then.

Prince: Aye bring Craig too.

Craig is my other friend. Rayan stayed in Cali with his grandmother to help her out around the house since his mom was out. He's real nice. Couple hours later I heard the doorbell. I went and got the door.

Prince: Did you get lost?

Chres: Maybe I did smart ass.

Craig: What's up my half nigga.

Prince: What's up my full nigga.

We went and sat and chilled.

Chres: So where's your brother.

Prince: Out on a date.

He looked at me.

Chres: You Jealous bruh?

Prince: No it's his girlfriend.

Craig: She lives here with him.

Prince: Yep.

Chres: Got any pictures of her?

Prince: Well there are some around the house if you'd open your eyes maybe you'd see them.

Chres: No need for the smart mouth.

He went over to the dining table area.

Chres: Damn. This is her?

Prince: Yep.

Craig: Let me see.

Chres handed him the picture.

Craig: She's very-

Chres: Sexy. We shoulda went to high school here if the girls look like that.

Prince: She's really sweet too.

Craig: Her name?

Prince: Krysten.

Chres: When do we get to meet her.

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