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Once all of the many plates had been cleared away, the entire Great Hall rapidly looked to Dumbledore, with impatient looks. His eyes twinkled, joyfully and slightly mischievously, as he spoke.

He explained that an impartial selector would choose the champions, The Goblet of Fire. A beautiful, ornate goblet, which had magical blue flames rippling in it. He was going to reinforce it to guarantee nobody, who was underage, could enter their name. Apparently, it was going to be too unsafe for those who weren't seventeen. You understood why, you'd much rather just watch, anyway.


"We need to find a way to enter our names." Fred said, in a hushed tone, once you were back in the common room and tucked away in a corner. "An Aging Potion?" George suggested, making sure no one was eavesdropping. "That could work. Help us make it, please?" Fred replied, looking at you. "Fine, although it's probably not going to work. Now, let's go back to the Great Hall, to see if anyone's put their name in yet." You decided, already starting to climb out of the portrait hole. They ran after you, having a playful argument, about who had already put their name in.

In the Great Hall, a mixture of Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students were watching the goblet closely, as if something was going to happen. The rumours spreading rapidly around the room told you that Viktor Krum had put his name in already, as had Veela girl.


The next morning, you quickly helped the twins brew an Aging Potion, in a disused bathroom. Thank Godric that Moaning Myrtle had decided to be elsewhere. It was way too early and you were yawning an awful lot, as you stirred the concoction for what felt like ages.

Nobody noticed the twins sneaking into a girl's bathroom, because they were either swooning over Krum, or entranced by the Veela girl. It was quite sad to watch fellow students lose control, but very funny at the same time. You were pretty sure a group of Krum's fangirls had gone to desperate measures to get his autograph. You kind of felt bad for him, to be honest; he was just a normal teenage boy, who was famous for doing something that he loved. You don't think he appreciated all of the attention he received, as he appeared to try and ignore it all. Not going to lie, Viktor Krum was attractive. During your regular library visits, in the evenings and free periods, he'd be in there, always. He didn't ever appear to read, just hid behind shelves, observing. You didn't blame him at all, the girls followed him everywhere and were very upfront about it.

You had once again tried to talk the twins out of taking the potion, as you were certain Dumbledore would've thought about an Aging Potion, although you kind of wanted to see what would happen. Who knows?

It didn't actually take too long to make and they ran to the Great Hall, triumphantly. You walked behind them, laughing at their enthusiasm.


Some fourth year Gryffindors were watching and they applauded and cheered loudly, as the twins ran in, holding a small tube of potion each. You didn't want to take any, as you still had a gut feeling that it wouldn't work. So did Hermione and she smugly told the twins this. You sat next to her, but she returned to the book she was reading.

Despite both of your warnings, they still drank the potion and crossed the Age Line, together. It worked shockingly well, until they attempted to put their paper in the goblet. They were thrown backwards, by a blue light. You dove out of the way, as they narrowly avoided landing on you.

They got up and you burst out laughing, realising they had grown long, white beards. They began fighting on the ground, yellung things at each other, leaving you no choice but to pull them apart. You hauled them up and walked with them to the Hospital Wing.

"Hey, Y/N." George said, on the way. "Yes?" You replied. "I reckon, even as an old man, I'm still the better looking twin. What do you think?" He asked, draping an arm around your shoulders. "Ew, you're like fifty years older than me." You teased, making Fred laugh. You moved out of George's grip and skipped on ahead, swinging your arms, until your scar started hurting. You abruptly stopped and tried to ignore it, continuing to joke along with the twins.

Madam Pomfrey scolded the twins, for trying to disobey Dumbledore's orders and gave them a potion to drink. It was thick and yellow, with a slight glow and you could see chunks in it. It smelled strongly of rotten eggs and cabbage. You were now really glad that you hadn't taken any Aging Potion, as it really wasn't worth it. Judging by the disgusted expressions on their faces, it didn't taste very nice either. But, at least it worked and they returned to normal, almost immediately afterwards.


A/N: Once again, I apologise for the long wait. I've been busier than expected this week, also very tired. I had Philosophy club on Monday, Choir on Tuesday, along with an English and Biology test (then homework on top of that, both days), a very important Media Studies homework on Wednesday, my brother's carol comcert yesterday and other random jobs.

Unfortunately, after a couple more chapters, the drafts I written months ago will all have been published, so that will mean an even longer wait. Sorry guys. Hopefully, I'll have some free time over the Christmas holidays. Speaking of, if you liked my Draco X Reader (People Change) there will be a Christmas special!

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