He's back

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Riley's pov
It had been months since James left and got together with Amanda but I still wasn't over him.I pretend to be but inside I wasn't.There was a part of me after everything he had done that still loved him and always will.It was the fourth month since he'd been gone.I walked into the studio and everyone looked at me "what?" I said confused. "I think you should go into miss Kate's office ri." Said Emily with a frown. "Ok" I said walking in.When I got in I couldn't believe what I saw James was standing there with some girl I guess is Amanda.I can't hide the shock on my face "hi" I mutter looking down at the floor." Hey ri" said James also looking down. "You must be Riley heard a lot about you" says Amanda fiercely she's really tall and a lot prettier than me so I'm not surprised James fell for her they look cute together.
Amanda's pov
So this is the famous Riley James never stops talking about I think secretly he still likes her but he thought she would move on.I guess not.She quit small but very pretty I just hope she realises James is mine now then maybe we can be friends.
James pov
Seeing Riley again is really hard I thought she would have got a new boyfriend but she didn't.She look even hotter than when I left but when I see the hatred on her face I feel so bad so i say "Riley can I talk to you alone please" ever one else leaves. "I'm sorry Riley" I say "why are you here?" She says looking into my eyes.I stare into her beautiful big brown eyes and answer."My parents moved back here" I see still staring into her eyes."Oh you and Amanda look cute together" she says rolling her eyes. "Riley we are on the same and team now we need to be ok" I say look at her."fine" she says then walks off.
Riley's pov
He's back

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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