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I woke up in the cramped car we started driving to our new house at like 3am its now like 5am all my siblings
were asleep so I just went back to sleep in a very uncomfortable position.

I woke up to my sister Lorn complaining.I looked at my phone to see that it was 9am.I blasted one direction until I fell asleep.Soon we arrived in Canada and are new house, witch is the same house we left 2 years ago.We unpacked all our things when I looked out my window to see my use to be best friend Crawford I don't think we are friends anymore I mean he got really mad when I told him I was moving.
Then I realized it was 6pm so I went to bed.

I woke up at 6 and took a shower and put on my skinny jeans and black hipsta sweater and my white jordons.
I grabbed my blue bag and phone and penny board and went to my moms car so she could take us to school I got out and waked down the long sidewalk until I reached to big double doors. I walked to the office and they gave me my schedule and locker number. I went to my locker and realized I didn't need anything so I went to class

Math with Miss.Todd

I walked in and handed her my paper.
"OK, so since you interrupted my class you can interdus your self".
I bit my lip slowly then turned to the class
"um well I use to go to Silver Bluff High School in South Carolina". "Blair"I heard a voice shout as the person looked up from texting someone. Anna.
She ran up and tacked me in a hug.
"Reeves sit down" said miss.Todd.
"You can sit next to Alex".said miss. Todd.
As I was walking to my seat when I saw familier eyes.


after class
I walked out of class to see Crawford.
Next, to the door I swallowed and he straightened up and walked over towards me.
"Your back" he stated.
"um yes" I smiled while nodding my head
"Blair"!?! I turned around to see Dillon running my way.
"Hey Dillon"
"Are you back in Canada?"
"Yes more friends I will see you later".
I laugh and turned to see Crawford. Just chilling against the lock on leg praped up against the locker.

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