Chapter 1

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Joshua Ramirez is one of the senior nurses in the OR area and is highly paid on his job. He is not just an ordinary OR nurse. He is a practice Nurse-Anaesthetist.

His wife Lauren is also an OR Nurse, a Suture Nurse to be exact.

After 2 years of marriage, Lauren gave birth to their son, Jacob Lourd Ramirez. They had an alomost perfect marriage until she decided to live on her own again.

He can't remember having any fights with her prior the divorce. She didn't even hinted. No, he hasn't seen any signs.

Maybe, she just needed to get back to her old self as to what his counsel told him. Maybe Lauren isn't fit to get married.

She left him ang Jacob and went back to London and after that, he never heard another word from her.

He's just still here in Philippines, practicing his own career when suddenly he felt all of his life has shattered into pieces.

After two years of divorce, he decided to quit his job and applied as a fireman in the nearest fire station.

He's almost just recovered.

Not until that night. That one wild night.

"Hi. I'm Josh, the caller awhile ago." Josh managed to post a smile on his face just after Jenny opened it for him. Though he felt his smile lacks confidence and he felt uneasy.

"Oh, hello! Come on in, please." She smiled a genuine smile. She opened the door wide enough for him to come in.

She went to the kitchen as soon as Josh settled by the sofa in her small living room. He noticed it was a small studio-typed unit with maybe three bedrooms. She's on the 7th floor. He saw the big window pane on his left side so he peeped on it. He realized that he's actually facing now the beauty of Manila Bay.

She came back with aromatic hot coffee on hand and a clubhouse sandwich.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't bother to ask you what would you like for a snack. I just grabbed anything from my kitchen." She apologized shyly.

"Oh, never mind. Your name's Jenny, right?" He asked as he lift his coffee.

"Yeah. Sorry again. I forgot to introduce myself properly..."

"Oh please stop saying sorry. There's nothing to apologize." He hissed. She just smiled blushing.

"Why do you want that weird kind of a date anyway?" He asked just as he dropped his mug back to th table.

"It may sound weird to you but you see, I'm living alone on my own. I'm ageing and I think I need someone to be with me..." She said and slightly bowed her head. She can't face him with such probing eyes.

"I mismanaged my time as an adult. I never thought of getting serious with anyone. I just played with them. Flirted a lot and then left them all hanging. I must say I was the one lacking. I lack of faith that relationships do lasts. You know, I don't think love could last." She looked up and faced his now confused face.

"Have you ever been inlove?" Cake the question from him.

"No. I never tried. I never allowed myself from falling inlove. I don't want to." She said honestly. Maybr because this man is somehow different from any other man he met.

"But why were you so afraid of loving when you haven't even tried yet?" He asked seemingly puzzled.

"You came here for a different reason. So please stop asking too much. Just tell me, why did you came?" She retorted.

Josh felt uneasy by the question itself.

"I just want to have some sex. And you are asking for it too." He said coldly. He realized he sounds rude but he can't take back what he just said.

"Alright. Let's get started then." She undressed without inhibition just right there and then.

"Fuck me, I'm all yours."


"Dad?" Jacob tagged his father's sleeves when he didn't replied to his question. Josh seemed to be in a deep thought just noticed his son.

"Yes, baby, what was that again?" He asked tapping his son's head.

"I said can I go out with Liro, just for a walk please?" He's referring to their dog when he said those words pouting.

"Alright. But tell your Aunt Janeth so she can go with you. And what's witg the pout, honey?" He asked when he noticed his son is still pouting.

"Cause my teacher said I'm a big bky now and I ain't a baby anymore." He said with a funny voice.

"Hahaha! Great! Ok, kid, now, I won't be calling you a baby anymore. Now off you go, young man!" He teaesed. But to his surprise, Jacob just smiled.

Well, maybe, I shall stop thinking of you as my precious baby. But a young boy, growing fast. And what's next? Should I prepare myself to see you marrying a woman someday?

He brushed off that silly thought. These past few days, he'd been too worried of almost everything else. Especially about Lauren getting married again and hinting about the custody of their child as she said she can give Jacob a healthy environment having a stepfather.

He brushed that off too soon. No. He won't allow that to happen.

He can't let his son live with her and her new husband. No way. Over his dead body.

He looked at his son getting away with his sister and their dog, heading towards the nearest park. His son is happy here. With him. With their dog and their home.

There would be no way that he will let Lauren govern his son's future. He knows how Lauren as a mother was. And she can't do any better.

"Lauren, can you please take care of Jacob first before you turn on your computer?" Josh asked his wife as he heard their tiny baby whailing inside the crib while Lauren laughs at something she saw on her instagram.

"Oh, honey, you do it yourself please. I have something important to do." She carelessly said without even turning to see their son.

Josh noted that Lauren is just a good nurse inside the OR. But never could become a good wife and a mom.

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