Me and Viv Start Forever

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Viv and I fly to Belfast. We head to a local church and get married. Everyone's there to see me and Viv get married. Even Steve! I tell Viv, "I have some wonderful news Viv." He sits down and says "What my love?" I tell him we're going to have a little girl. He gets excited and picks me up and dances around with me. Then he says "Oh I've got to be careful!!!!" I tell him "I'm's okay!!!!! I'm fine and the baby is fine! You can still hold me ..we won't break!!" Viv says But Ori , my love..the first 3 months are critical!!!! You have to be very careful!!!! I say this because I care for you and our unborn child!!!" I say "Vivian, I promise that I will be careful!" Vivian says "Well, I just want to make sure because I love you both!!" He kisses my tummy and talks to the unborn baby. He says "Hi little one this is your daddy talking to you. I want you to know that I love you!!!" Viv talks to the unborn baby and Joe sees that and takes a picture. Then Joe says "I'm Uncle Joe again!!!" Joe takes a photo of the happy family, me, Viv, the boys and the unborn baby. Joe put those photos on the family photo album. And Stuart and Chelsea show up! They join me, Viv and the boys. And all of a sudden, Stuart's hugging me! He's thrilled when I tell him Viv and I are having a little girl. He says "I'm so happy for you!!!! I'll be an uncle to your child!" I say, "I don't want you to be Crazy Uncle Stuart!!!" Stuart laughs.  He says "Well this is my first time that I'm an uncle!!! Well I do already love my niece." All the kids come running into the room yelling "Uncle Viv , uncle Viv, uncle Viv!!!!!" Viv runs for it but they chase after him and jump on him and then he says "Wow!!!!!! I'm being attacked by the peanut gallery!!!!! Guys..don't jump on my stomach!!!!!" No sooner had he said that, someone pushed on his stomach he farted!!!!!! The kids laughed and said "Uncle Viv farted!!!" One of the little girls said "Yuck!!!!! And it smells too!!!!" The little boys thought it was funny! I say "Viv!!!!!!! What the hell did you eat?" Vivian said "Well, Candace cooked up some deviled eggs and there was some left over pork and beans! I was hungry and she brought out the deviled eggs and I looked in the refrigerator and found Joe's pork and beans!" Joe said "That's where they went!!!!! You ate my beans!!!" I say "Well we need to keep you away from eggs and leave Joe's beans alone!!!!!! I have to sleep with you!!!" Sav walks in and he just stands there. Then he says "Wow!!!!!!!! It stinks in here!!!!!" Then Rick and Phil walk in and quickly walk back out!!!! Joe laughs. One of the boys is jumping around and he falls and cuts his bottom lip and he needs to go in and get stitches. He starts crying and I go and hug him in order to try and comfort him. We then leave the emergency room and I tell the little boy that he can have some ice cream if he tries not to cry. A hater posts up that Thunder Gods don't exist. Rick reads that post and he gets very angry and it starts thundering and finally it's raining and also there's lightning. Through a flash of lightning, Steve shows up!!! There's this crack of thunder followed by a flash of lightning. Steve played a note of a riff on his guitar and what followed was lightning as sound!!! We all leave then and go to baskin robbins for some ice cream. We get our ice cream and we bring some home with us. I also get a chocolate doughnut and successfully annoy Phil. He says "That's going to hinder you staying in shape. You can still stay in shape even though you're expecting. You also need to eat healthy food to ensure proper development of the baby!!" I say to Phil "But I'm craving this chocolate doughnut!!!!" He says "Okay....but don't or try not to make a habit of eating chocolate doughnuts!!!!"Joe says "Well, where's my chocolate doughnut?" I hand the bag of doughnuts over to Joe. There's also some jelly filled bismarks and bavatian creme filled ones too!!! Candace gets a bismark that's jelly filled. Vivian goes and grabs his bag of grapes that he bought and he starts eating some. Then he starts feeding me grapes. Phil says "Now that's what you're supposed to be eating Ori!" I say "Well..yes I do like grapes..but I am craving chocolate!" Phil say "Yes, I know but the grapes are more healthy for you and that unborn baby!" I go with the craving for chocolate..but I hide it from Phil! Candace sees me with chocolate, but she doesn't tell on me!!!! She buys me this large hershey bar and I say "I love you, Candace!!!!!!" And it's a very, very big hershey bar!!!!! Candace says "Don't tell Phil that I bought this for you!" I say I won't say anything if you don't say anything!" She says "Cool!" Joe happens to walk in and I hide the hershey bar. He says "What did you just hide?" I say "Oh nothing!" Joe says "Yeah right! I know that you hid something!" Candace says "Joe, she just said that she doesn't have anything!!! You know that sometimes you stick your nose where it doesn't belong!!!!! If you must know..I just got her something for the baby!!!!" I show him a blanket that Candace also bought me! Candace walks away saying "I need a cappuccino!!!!!!" Joe says "You're going by yourself?" She says "Yes!!!!!!! Is there a law against that?" He says Candace "You know that there's crazy people out there and they see a band member by themself and well..I don't want to go there!!!!!" She says "All can come with me then." She grabs her purse, notebook and pens and they go to get the cappuccinos. I start crying. Vivian comes in the room. He says "My love, what's wrong?" I say "I can't help what I crave!!!! Phil thinks he knows everything about being pregnant and how can he? He's a man!!!!"I cry and Viv puts his arms around me and says "Babe I love you and our child!!!" I look at him and say, "Vivian, I don't know what I would do without you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me! I love you!!!!" Candace and Joe come back with the cappuccinos and Joe says "Is everything okay?" Viv says "She's very sensitive. I've never known her to be sensitive like this. She wasn't like that with the boys." Candace says "Well this is different, a different pregnancy and a new baby." We then sit down and enjoy the cappuccinos and conversation. Phil walks in and says "Who bought the cappuccinos?" Candace answers "I did....I don't buy them all the time so I thought that if I wanted one..that I should buy one for everyone!" He says "Okay." He sees me crying and says "Ori what's the matter?" I say "I can't help it about what I crave." Phil says "Yeah, but I'm just trying to help you so that you don't put on a lot of weight through this pregnancy." Viv says "Don't worry, I'll help her. When she does crave something..she can have a limited amount of what she craves." I say "Well I do crave chocolate. I can't help it!!!" I then enjoy a few squares of chocolate and then I relax on the couch and fall asleep. Vivian is with me resting on the couch. I dream about Steve telling me that I'm having a girl. I wake up, wake Vivian and tell him about my dream. He listens and is interested about what Steve told me. Me and Viv get up and tell everyone else about the dream. Me and Viv come out into the kitchen. Viv makes up some tea and everyone else hears some noise in the kitchen and decides to come out and investigate. Viv stands there shaking. Sav asks, "You okay man?" Viv replies, "No. Ori scared the shit out of me!!!!!!" I giggle. " Awwwwwww poor Vivian." Viv looks at me angrily. He says "Well you scared me!!!" Joe laughs when Viv says that. I say "Awwww poor baby!!!!!!" Phil walks in and says "What's everyone doing?" Viv tells him "Ori scared the hell out of me!" Viv turns to me and says "Why did you do that?" I laugh and say "Because I wanted to see what you would do!" Viv says "Well I almost jumped out of my skin!!!" I laugh and say "I wanted to see you be scared." And then I pinch his butt!!! He hollers "OUCH!!! stop that..that hurts!!!!!!" I tell him "I got to pinch some hot cross buns!!!!" Viv says "You know, I wish you wouldn't do that. It leads to something else!" I say "Well what's that something else?" Phil says "Yeah Viv, tell us. Inquiring mind want to know." Viv says " already know what that something else is!" I say "I do?" Viv says "Yes you do!" Joe laughs and says "I think I know!!!!!!!" Phil says "Oh..okay yeah." I say "OMG!!!!!!! You guys are terrible!!!! You're always thinking about adult things." Viv says "Yeah..all the time!!!"I say "I don't know about you guys!!!!" I then go into the kitchen looking for a snack. I look in the freezer and you find some dilly bars from dairy queen. I grab the chocolate one. Joe walks in and says "Hey where's mine?" I say "There's a big bag of these in the freezer."Joe looks and he picks the cherry flavor one. Then the others come into the kitchen. Candace grabs a butterscotch one. Ethan says "Well where's mine?" I say "In the freezer, you idiot." He goes and picks a chocolate one. We all sit and eat our ice cream when all of a sudden Patrick shows up. I throw my wrapper at his face and he laughs. Sav calls and asks "Is your refrigerator running?" I say "Yeah. Why?" Sav says "Well you better run after it!!!" He then hangs up. Viv calls Patrick. After hanging up, I go beat him up. He dumps ice cream on me. I slap him. He says "What was that for?" I say "You know!" He says "No, I don't!" I pout at him. And Viv says "Awww..." He comes over and gives me hugs, then says "Let's go out for dinner." We go to a five star restaurant. the waiter sits me and Viv by another couple and Bret Michaels is there. The couple, by the way, is Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Then Rick and Lauren show up and sit with us. So then me and everyone else sat and chatted after dinner. Brad puts his arm around me and flirts with me and Angelina winks at me. Viv gets annoyed and gives me a dirty look. I say "Well I'm just kidding around." Then all of a sudden, Rick and Viv make goofy faces. I sit with Rick and put tiny little braids in his hair. He says "Stop that!!!! That gives me a creepy feeling!" Lauren giggles and says "Rick, you like it when I play with your hair." Rick says "Yeah but you play with my hair differently when someone else does, I get the chills!!" I get up and walk out. Viv follows and says "He's tired and crabby. Don't pay him any mind.....okay?"

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