OMG OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAY ADAAAM –cries- (don't ask why). You are finally 18 but still younger than me. XD You my dear brother from another mother are an awesome being. Legit don't know what I'd do without you and wouldn't have it any other way, even with all your shitting and ss'ing typos like you have nothing better to do. The way you make me want to punch your face and go all kung fu on your arse. XD With our deep talks on PM and all your insulting in groups. LOOL. Btw thank your cat for putting you on my amazing people's list. XD
I hope you have an amazing day In Sha Allah and spend it with your family and friends and get loads of presents. Don't party too hard ;) especially without me XD jokes.
Thank you for being an amazing friend and brother to me and even if we've known each other for such a short time you've helped me grow as a person and learn loads of things and be a better person. I'll always look at you as my little brother and so therefore to me you'll still be a child even if you can be a bit wise sometimes (take that compliment and hold onto it tight along with all the others haha.) Alhamdullilah I am glad I met you. May Allah continue to make you a better person and give you the chance to make your dreams come true. Ameen. Love you bro and have a great birthday. Fabiaa xxxxxx
Gangster Goals.
RandomHappy birthday Adam. <3 First of all, Thanks for coming in our lives and make it better than ever before. I thank Allah adam because you are a true blessing. now see how special you are and how much you mean to us. This oh so awesome book is a bir...