Chapter 6: Dragon Festival part 3

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Everyone went silent as my father announced that it was time for the real event everyone was waiting for, 'The Opening Of The Gate To The Dragon World'.

the guests in the ball room came out side to the enormous courtyard
to meet villagers and wizards and all kinds of different people to see the 'big event'.
me and Kurai followed, to see a huge magic circle hovering over countless people in the night sky.
Kurai and i saw the royal mages preparing. My father signaled me to come to him.
''Come on Kurai!'' i said as i quickly ran through the anxious crowd.

''H-hey wait up.''

Kurai and i flew the rest of the way.

''Yes father.'' i asked as Kurai set me next to my mother and father.

''[Y/N] dear, close your eyes.''
my parents both nodded and gave me a .

''This, this [Y/N] is something very special that you have to give great care to. Do you promise to take good care of it?''

''Yes, i promise.''
they both smiled sweetly and father told both me and Kurai to follow him with my mother.
we followed them to the mages. My father started his speech.

''Ladies and gentlemen, young and old, i King Rexton welcome you to 'The Opening Of The Gate To The Dragon World'. Please watch as my finest mages preform this ancient forbidden spell that has been forgotten after many years. We are here to see the worlds most sacred creatures come back to earth, please enjoy.''

everyone cheered. (this is what the kingdom of looks like in case you forgot )

One of the mages- ''Everyone please step behind the magic barrier, it will ensure you're safety.''
me and Kurai watched as everyone stepped behind the barrier. I put on my .
''Um, father are you sure we'll be safe standing outside the barrier?''
''Yes [/N] these mages will make sure our safety is ensured.''

''Ok.'' i gulped in nervousness as i grasped onto my .

''Oi, look [Y/N] its gramps!''

''Huh where!? there OH, HEYYY GRAMPS OVER HERE!!'' i yelled out and waved.
gramps waved back and smiled.
i gave a huge smile back.
the mages started to chant as the magic circle started to get bigger and soar higher into the dark sky.
''ANCIENT BLACK ART SPELL!! DRAGON HEART!!!!!'' the mages yelled in union.
the magic circle started to glow brighter, a huge hole started to open in the center of the circle.
load roar's came from inside, and the magic energy started to increase.


''It's ok [Y/N].''

we both grabbed onto each others claw and hand.


i could feel the terror [Y/N] was feeling. I was scared too, i haven't seen a dragon since......
that time.
a blinding bright light appeared, i couldn't see anything. I could hear loud screams and crying, blinded people running around ( out of the barrier, shit ), and felt [Y/N] pull me down to the ground with her.
I squeezed [Y/N]'s hand she pulled me into a tight embrace.

PHOENIX_SOUL(NatsuxReader)《HIATUS》Where stories live. Discover now