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My friend, it's been a long time since I heard from you

Oh how quickly time and distance changed us into strangers again.

My mind remembers how you made me feel

How you made me feel like butter when you are near.

How you made me dream that I could stay forever on your side.

How I miss your warmth and your scent and how you comfort me by just being there.

I wish we could stay like that forever.

But just like everything in life, nothing stays the same.

You let our friendship die.

Now I look at you curiously. 

Yes. Yes. I remember those memories.

But those memories are strange as well.

They're nothing else but faded photographs of what used to be. 

A time lost. A friendship lost. A fleeting comet that will never come back.

My friend. My friend.

I wish I could still call you like that.

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