Ch. 7 - Unknown X

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Somewhere deep in the bowels of New York lies a giant building...D.S.U. Headquarters. An old, British man who looked alot like Sean Connery who had a scar on his left eye is seen sitting down in his office on the top floor of D.S.U. HQ, he gets up and turns around. "That bastard Cell thinks he can ruin me?! Well he can't! You are going to do something about it Amern!" The old man yelled to one of his top soldiers from the D.S.U.

"Yes, sir...Your wish is my command, Unknown X." Amern spoke back to X, Amern was a man with a goatee and an augmented arm. He was born in Moscow, Russia, year 2064 where he was when X had found him after he had turned 16 years old, his parents had died from the war in 2075.

"You do know the consequnces if you happen to fail right, Amern?" X asked Amern, raising his left eyebrow.

"Yes, X, the following code 4487 of the D.S.U Code of Rights: Do not fail under the order of Unknown X if given a task from him, if you do then you shall receive the maximum punishment; Death."

"Since you're a special...soldier, I will only beat you..." X coughed a bit checking, his blood pressure. "Where is Crazy?" X asked Amern sternly.

"Dr. Crazy is taking care of that 'girl'...she seems to be a problem to him, slowing him down and questioning his job," Amern said looking at the door behind him, it opened as Dr. Crazy walked in with blood all over him.

"That was a tough rut, would not shut up!" Crazy sighed, looking down at his trenchcoat. "And she stained my clothes... Oh well, it's not the first time someone stained by clothes with blood." He smirked. "How are you men today? Keeping order around the big apple as usual?" Crazy asked Amern and X.

"Ah, Dr. Crazy! So good of you to join us, how did your little 'job' go?" X asked, drinking some of his wine.

"It went great, a bit messy though...she was a problem, but I shut her up." Crazy smirked again taking out his bloody warglaive*. "This fancy weapon proved to be useful... So what's happening, boys?" Crazy asked.

"Dr. Cell is trying to stop the zombie outbreak, he wants to stop the Skyrofym as well, we can't let him do that! If we want order then we have to use those zombies to scare the people! But most of them have gotten eaten..." X told Dr. Crazy.

"Well then, I guess Amern and I are going to have to pay a visit to Mr. Cell then, huh? His blood would add to the collection on my warglaive." Crazy chuckled.

"Not so fast, Doctor, we need him alive. Without him...he wouldn't help us with our plan... Just scare him if you must." X told them, rubbing his beard.

-A couple of hours later- On the roads of NYC

"A world which is overrun by a bunch of assholes who think they can do what they makes me sick." Cell told Raven stopping in the middle of the road, Cell felt a chill as two figures appeared from the fog.

"Hello Dr. Cell, we have an offer you can't refuse." Amern smirked pulling out a small cement pole out from the ground smashing his hood ripping open the door and pulling Dr. Cell and Raven out. "Svoloch! You are ruining our business! Ever since good old Nathan Cell released the virus, we work for the D.S.U. And nothing will stop us from world domination!" Amern yelled out to Cell and Raven.

"Amern, let them go....we need them alive!" Crazy growled at him removing his blindfold and cloth from his eyes showing his gray hair and old wrinkled face. "Doctor, it's a pleasure to meet name is Dr. Crazy, I have a real name but I like Crazy better!" He chuckled.

"What do you want?" Cell asked them both as Amern let both of them go.

"We just want you both to come with us! Mr. X would love to see you, he has been expecting you." Crazy told Cell.

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