chapter six

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Manami wanted to smack herself. How could she have been so stupid? It was the perfect chance to finally get to kiss Akaashi and she screwed up! She thought over it all night, getting upset every single time, until Kuro snuggled next to her, and she could help but to gush over how amazingly adorable he was, and then finally went to sleep afterwards.

Just as she made it to her classroom, she saw Kohana doing nothing but looking out the window. Putting on her best smile, Manami approached her, ready for the day that lied ahead of them.

"Good morning, Matsuoka-san!" Manami greeted her.

"Oh, good morning to you as well, Ichinose-san." Kohana adjusted her glasses. There was something about Kohana that looked a bit off. It was like she was in such deep thought, and didn't want to come back to reality, which was something Manami could understand.

"Today's going to be awesome!" Manami held up a first of determination.

"How can you tell?" Kohana's interest peaked up.

"Well ... " She grinned confidently, "Today, after school and clubs, Tachibana-senpai said that she'll treat us to dinner."

"Eh? Who's she?" Kohana tilted her head.

"The captain of the Girls' Volleyball team." Manami took her seat, "If our day already started off such success, who knows what lies ahead of us!"

"That's one way to think of it." Kohana sighed.

"Are you okay? You look really ... down." Manami asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Kohana yawned, " ... Just tired."

"Did you get a good night's sleep?" Manami then added, "Personally, whenever I sleep early, I feel tired in the morning, and whenever I sleep late, I feel refreshed in the morning. The afternoon is a completely different story though."

Kohana giggled, "I hardly had any sleep since I was watching over my little brother after school, and my big sister didn't help me at all. All the homework I had, I did during the night."

As the two of them chatted on about their daily schedules and their lives basically, Mai had came in with a clear smirk on her face. It felt amazing to tease her kouhai (actually her senpai), Keiko, first thing in the morning. Keiko always got worked up over nothing, but that's what kept Mai entertained so it was okay, sometimes. Other times, Keiko was simply being stubborn and wouldn't listen to logic nor reason.

Mai rested her elbow on Manami's shoulder, whispering "hello" real close to her ear. Jumping, Manami laughed realizing it was only Mai, who joined her in the ultimate expression of happiness. Kohana simply yawned again, somehow managing not to slouch on her chair nor resting her head on the table, which Manami found impressive. If it were her, she'd be restless until she found a comfortable way to almost take a nap.

"Hey Matsuoka-san, good morning." Mai greeted her with a wave and a toothy grin.

"Hi Tsukinami-san." She took off her glasses to rub her eyes, " ... Good morning."

Turning her attention back to Manami, Mai recalled, "Yesterday was so much fun! Especially when the captain accidently insulted Maeda-kouhai's crush, and we all started criticizing both her crush and her. She has really bad taste in men."

"So what type of guy do you like?" Manami rested her hand on the palm of her hand to listen to Mai. For some reason, her favorite conversations were with Mai. She was both a good listener and speaker.

"My type? Well, I must say that I find intelligent guys highly attractive, as well as eyewear." Mai then crossed her arms on her chest, "And unlike Maeda, I don't want a sappy relationship. Yes, we should have a connection, but more importantly it should be ... productive. In other words, if we ever need some type of aid, we can find that in each other."

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