Chapter Eight.

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*Dylan's POV*

       I wake up and I stare at the clock. I know what I have to do. I get out of my bed and I get in the shower. I have the worst feeling in the pit of my stomach but I know this is the right thing to do. I get out of the shower, eat my breakfast and I drive to school. As I'm walking around the school, I get so may congratulations on winning the bet. "Hey, Dylan." Someone comes up to me and says. I can honestly say I have no idea who this is. "Hey.. Dude." I say with hesitation. "I heard you won the bet." He says, smirking. I just nod at him and give him a flat face. "Well, I think we should have a little fun." He says as he does an evil smile. Well I don't want to obviously, but I know he won't talk to me ever again if I do something mean. But I love him, I don't know what to do. "Yes, let's do this." I say with a nervous smile. 

*Jack's POV*

       I wake up with a smile. I have the best boyfriend ever, I love him so much. I can't wait to see him at school today. I walk to my bathroom and I take a shower. After that, I walk downstairs and I get my breakfast. I walk out the door and I wait for the bus. I hope Dylan decides to pick me up today again. I wait for him, but he doesn't come. It's okay though, the bus isn't that bad.

       I get onto the bus and I see these two girls looking at their phones and laughing at something. Then they look at me and their laughs turn into cackles and I just give them an awkward look. I have no idea what's going on, but whatever. Life is good right now.

       I get off the bus and I walk into the school and literally everyone looks at me. No exaggeration at all, everyone in the whole school. Even some teachers stare at me. I don't like this. I walk down the hall, where my locker is, and I see a bunch of posters. I read one and it says "Jack Forks believed Dylan." and some others say "Jack Forks is a loser." "Jack forks is a FAG!" I look at them and then Dylan walks around the corner. "Oh hey faggot, I bet you thought I loved you." He says with an evil smirk. I can feel the tears run down my face. "Wait, I'm confused. What's going on?" I ask him. "I never loved you, you were just a worthless dare. I hate you, kill yourself." He says, putting emphasis on that last part. As he says those words, I back away from him. All of his friends are laughing at me, even people I didn't even know were in this school. To make it worse, I starts making out with a girl right in front of me. I can start to feel my blood boil and my face turns red. I run up to him and I grab his hair and I yank him down to the floor and I start throwing punches at his face. I get off of him and I start to walk away as everyone looks at me in shock. I hear footsteps behind and I turn around to see Dylan running at me, he pushes me to the ground and he punches me in the face. Before he can punch me again, the principal pulls him off of me. I get quickly and I walk out of the school. 

       I can't take this, I can't believe that fucking asshole lied to me like that. I thought he loved me. I'm so pissed I just want to kill something. I start to punch my pillow hard. I walk down the stairs and I look through my pantry and I see all the alcohol. I start opening bottles and chugging all of it. I start to throw the bottles as the empty. When I finish all of it, I stumble to the cabinet above my sink and I open it. I try to grab the pill bottle and I end up throwing it all on the ground. I grab a bottle and i open it. I throw it down my throat and I wash it down with the last drop of vodka. My vision starts to get hazy and I fall down, looking up at the ceiling as my sight leaves me.

woah :o that chapter.. was crayy. interesting fact: one of the character's names is jack, and my dog's name is jack xD weird right? vote and comment c;

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