The cat who ran

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It was all Karma could think of. He'd never expected this. That THE Akabane Karma would be running away from dogs, Chihuahuas to be exact. It's just that today, they seemed bigger than usual. Too big. But he paid no attention to that; his only focus was his survival. How did he get into this predicament? He had no time to think about that. He continued to run, rolling under people's legs and over children, Karma tried to get rid of the dogs. He dashed into the nearest corner, hoping to mislead the dogs. It didn't, if anything he cornered himself.

Smart move Karma...

He mentally slapped himself. He attempted to jump the wall like Karasuma had taught him. To his dismay, he was only able to jump half the wall's height. [A/N OOC much] His only choice now was to fight the pack of dogs. He pounced.


He woke to the sound of yelping dogs. Wincing as he tried to stand up, he noticed all the bruises on his body.

I must have fainted. What happened?

He thought as he looked around his surroundings. The pack of dogs had run off, leaving him with scars and bite marks. Luckily they weren't too fatal but it still hurt like hell.

Why did they suddenly leave anyway?

Karma pondered about this for a while. He closed his eyes, not noticing the footsteps coming towards him.


Once again, he woke up, but this time he was in a [Favourite color] room. It looked familiar to him but he just couldn't put his finger on it. He heard footsteps approaching him and quickly hid under the bed. Now that he had a better look around the room, he deduced that he was in a girl's room.

How did I get into this mess anyway?

Karma tried to remember what happened. Under any normal circumstance, he never would've run away from dogs, especially Chihuahuas. He prayed that anyone who would've recognized him didn't see him. How embarrassing would that be? Karma lightly chuckled to himself. He thought harder. Nothing came to mind.

How strange. My memory is flawless.

The footsteps stopped. Karma glanced up to see who it was. To his surprise, it was [First Name]. They weren't very close but he knew that she was in 3-E as well. He didn't really understand why she brought him to her home, but he was secretly grateful. Not that he would ever admit that of course. He was so distracted by his thoughts that he didn't notice [First Name] had looked under the bed and was trying to pull him out.

"Look at you, trying to hide from me. How adorable!" She quietly giggled at him. He snapped out of his thoughts. Noticing he was in her arms, he started to squirm around. He stopped immediately when she walked past a mirror. He expected to see this awkward position of him in [First Name]'s arms. Instead, he saw a small cat resting in her arms.

What the actual hell?

Thieving Cat ||Karma Akabane X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now