She is back ...

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OMG SHE'S BACK" is what everyone was saying while i walked through the doors of my new high school. I held my head up high and walked to the office and got my schedule I already knew my way around the school I looked up and saw Erick i was'nt sure if i should say 'hi' or not i left on sort of Good terms i remember like if it was yesterday


2 years ago in 8th grade

I had just moved in with my dad it was my fist day of school I went to the gym were all the 8th graders hang out before the bell rings I saw my bff she moved schools with me we were talking then she said some hot guy had walked in I turned around and saw Erick i went up to him he did a double take of me then he said well practically yelled "LILLY" while I said/yelled "Erick" and gave him a hug he picked me up and spun around then we ended up having every class together except electives over the months we were best friends again and I wanted to ask him out but I didn't want to ruin our friendship so I didn't say or do anything. Later on that year my dad said he had some bad news and since he is really sick i thought that he was dying so i started crying for hours he tried to comfort me then he explained that he needs to get a surgery done in Mexico and that he was taking me with him but he told me we were going to move their and live their till he recovers and is healthy I was so sad because I did'nt want to move and leave my friends so after a while I agreed he said we would leave after Christmas so i went to school like nothing ever happened. After winter break I was really depressed wearing sweats all the time and my hair in a bun and one day my bff Karla asked me what was up with me I told her and she told Amy they promised not to say anything and after that day I tried to not look so depressed it was January and Erick had asked me out I was so happy but I said no I told him I didn't want to ruin our friendship but that wasn't the reason the next day I didn't go to school.A week passed by and i was depressed because I was always waiting for the opportunity to go out with him the next school day my dad had said we needed to go to my school to get my stuff while he did my paperwork i was cleaning out my locker i went to my Science class and saw my teacher Mr.Taylor all the teachers were aware that i was moving so when i knocked and he saw me he stopped teaching and gave me a hug i cried in his chest i saw Amy and Karla i walked up to them and cried and they cried also everyone was staring at us Erick walked up to me and hugged me then i told him what was happening i looked up at him and saw hurt in his eyes the teacher excused us and he was mad and hurt at first and he saw me cry then his face softened and then he kissed me and kissed him back it was my fist kiss i felt the fireworks so when we broke apart i cried even more and he just hugged me i said bye and gave him a peck on the cheek and said bye to the rest of the teachers they all told me not to leave that i could live with them i just laughed it off but they were being serious they said that they wouldn't forget me.After that day i havent spoken to him i kept in touch with Karla and Amy they would sometimes tell me he said hi and i would say hi back

******************END OF FLASHBACK**********************

I heard someone yell "LILLY" I turned around and saw Amy and Karla i ran up to them and hugged them the bell rang we had homeroom together we started chatting like if i never went anywhere. I just wonder what Erick is thinking;


Writers Note:

should i keep going????

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