ayyy lmao

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I was nominated by emiliusbelle to tell one hundred true things about me? Alrighty then

1.) My name is Cole

2.) You may call me Cole the Unicorn Protector

3.) I'm in the Supernatural, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Avengers, Lord of The Rings, The Hobbit, and Infernal Devices fandoms (and a bunch more that I can't think of right now)

4.) Sexuality: Homo

5.) Boyfriend: Jason

6.) You may call him Jason the Rainbow Thief

7.) Eye colour: Ranges from grey to blue to green (depends on what I'm wearing that brings out the colours)

8.) Hair colour: brown with some goldish highlights and I'm growing it out so I can cosplay as Gabriel for a con (Jason the Rainbow Thief is playing as Sam *squeals*)

9.) I'm very spiritual with crystals and you normally can't find me without one around my neck or in my hands

10.) I also never go anywhere without my Jerk necklace, which my older brother, Stephen, has the Bitch side. Sadly, he's in the military and I normally don't see him :(

11.) I like flannels

12.) I like drawing my own fanart, but it doesn't always work out well

13.) My friend and I make these shell angels, which really aren't all angels, but we paint Supernatural characters' clothing on a shell and super glue pipe cleaner wings on the back depending on whether they're an angel or demon or human (Crowley comes with a clay hellhound)

14.) I have a dog, his name is Ruffington

15.) He is a two-year-old black greyhound

16.) You may call him Ruffington the Lanky Hellhound

17.) I was born on July 31 (yay Harry Potter)

I've run out of ideas on my own, now I'm looking up questions

18.) My favorite part of the human face is the eye

19.) If I could change three things about myself I would:
• Get taller
• Give myself the appearance of not just a short, stubborn fanboy, but a short, stubborn fanboy with high self-esteem
• Harvest the ability of telekinesis

20.) I'm that one kid that always screams Get the salt when the power goes out in school. The teachers' faces are priceless (checkmate, Mr. Shlatter)

21.) Do I like chocolate? Hell yeah

22.) If I could travel to any time, "when" would I go? I've always had this fascination with the mid 1800s, so I guess that'd be cool

23.) If sheep can't sleep, what do they count? They count their idiotic friends who still jump over the fence

24.) Love is more important to me than lust

25.) The most difficult thing I've ever had to do was say goodbye to Stephen when he left for the military

26.) If I could marry a cartoon character, who would it be? Uh, I guess it would have to be Castiel from that one episode with that old dude. Yeah. . .

27.) If God sneezed while I was talking to him, I would yell at Michael to get him a damn tissue. . . honestly, what kind of son is he?

28.) If aliens came to me wanting to exchange anything is desired, I would slow dance with them on camera, then run around screaming that Gabe is real

29.) Three things I love most about nature:
• Rain
• Clear night skies
• Sunsets

30.) I live in Osprey, Florida

31.) What scares me the most is someone reading over my shoulder when I'm reading smut *shutter*

32.) Does size matter? Yeah, being short is a real struggle

33.) I'm like 5'5

34.) Defining marriage:

*Jason sees a mess of baby food and crap while I was watching the kid*

Jason: "Cole, what the hell happened?!"

Me: *points at the infant* "She did it."

35.) What actor do I look the most like? Honestly, I'm built like Martin Freeman, I'm short but I can give a good kick in the shin

36.) Ships:
• Destiel
• Sabriel heh heh
• Michifer
• Jawnlock
• Mystrade
(A few more that I can't think of)

37.) Favorite animal: Blue jaguars (They remind me of Cas)

38.) The strangest thing I believed in as a child was that babies were born from women's bellybuttons

39.) Favorite food: Golden mashed potatoes

40.) Ugghh I'm only on forty?

41.) My Zodiac sign is Leo

42.) My birthstone is the ruby

43.) I've only been in one relationship (the same one I'm in now)

44.) This is my favorite number

45.) I have a katana mounted on the wall in my room, and believe me, I know how to use it (kidnappers beware)

46.) My favorite actor is Misha Collins (heh heh I know I'm unoriginal leave me alone)

47.) Favorite song is I'm So Sorry by Imagine Dragons

48.) Diamonds Aren't Forever by Bring Me The Horizon is me after 11:59 pm

49.) Uh I don't believe in God

50.) I believe that we weren't given life, but earned it. So if we earned the right to live, we must earn the right to die. Everyone must leave the world better than when we came into it. Make an impact. Leave a memory of your existence. Leave a reason to return.

I'll go on if you want me to, but I can't think of any more. Ask a question and I'll answer.

I nominate:





You don't have to, but it'd be cool if ya did

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