Unexspected Savior

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This story contains lots of smut dont read of your not into that. Thank you.

My young master had always been incapable of love for anyone or anything even his fiancé Lady Elizabeth. It was no surprise to the the butler that he showed no compassion to him as well, that was in the beginning he didn't. The last couple of weeks things had began to change. Ceil was a very depressed young man after what he had been through after his parents death 7 years ago. I few weeks prior Sebastian had found Ceil in his chambers hanging from the chandelier. Shocked at the young masters actions the demon ran and snatched ceil down. Laying him down on his bed and removing the rope Sebastian noticed cuts on his arms some still bleeding the unconscious boy was unaware that his servant had found him this way. Upon looking around the room Sebastian noticed a note on the bedside table that read:
Sebastian if your reading this I am already dead you can do whatever you please with my estate and my soul they mean nothing to me when I have nothing else to live for tell dear Elizabeth whatever you think to be fit as long as it's not the truth. As for you demon your services are obviously no longer needed and my soul is yours.
Tears streamed down his eyes "wtf is this I can't feel compassion or love toward this brat" but in truth he had and he knew it for a while now all he thought about was ceil and he even became increasingly jealous of Lady Elizabeth. Suddenly a cough come from Ceil as he woke up. He jumped up  not aware of where he was or what had happened looking over he seen his handsome butler standing by his bedside tears streaming down his face. "Sebastian why are you crying whats happening?" Sebastian paused not knowing how to reply. " My lord I came in and found you hanging from the chandelier please tell me this was just a poor mistake"  another tear streamed down the demons face why was he feeling this way he is incapable of love ceil thought Shaking and crying ceil looked up and the butler to reply and Covered his face with his hands not being able contain his tears but also not wanting Sebastian to see him cry. Wanting to hold his young master and make all his pain go away but being afraid of his reaction he slowly sat down on the bed and removed ceils hands from his face , "I'm sorry Sebastian I just can't take this anymore nobody loves or cares for me the nigh terrors and screaming I hear all night , loving..." He stopped short not wanting to confess what he knew the demon already knew before ceil even knew himself , he loved this creature however ungodly and wrong it may be he was madly in love with a demon his demon butler. Sebastian was taken back by the sudden stop and his willingness to tell him what was wrong "young master if I may ask you what else you was going to say" feeling like he was treading on thin ice but tried to remove the worried look at least to an extent. Sebastian looked down on the beautiful boy looking back at him and wanted to hold his face in his hands and just stare at him forever. Ceil wept harder "I love you Sebastian more than anything and I know you could never love me back". Sebastian was shocked at his masters words he had never felt the boy was capable of feeling this way for anyone especially his demon butler. "I love you so much ceil I have never felt this in my thousands of years of life" the tall handsome butler took ceils face into his hands and slowly leaned in to kiss him. "My lord you should get some rest allow me to tuck you in and if it wouldn't trouble you I would like to stay with you tonight". Ceil had never had anyone care for him so much after his parents death could this demon be telling the truth "you may stay with me as long as you like". Sebastian tucked the young lord into is bed and kissed him once more, "I shall stay here until morning my love" he said as he walked across the room to sit in the big chair placed by the window "lay with me Sebastian". He never stopped surprising the demon, Sebastian removed his tailcoat and crawled into bed ceil turned to face him noses touching "forever my lord" he said before ceil drifted off to sleep

I'm going to be uploading 2 chapters at one time a majority of the time but this time it's like late and I have school in the morning sorry I promised smut and their isn't any forgive me.

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