Chapter 17

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17. Secrets Unbound

Dimitri called Nick and left him a quick message telling him to meet him back home. Dimitri had waked late in the day and Nick had not been there, and Dimitri still had not had a chance to tell him about Ming, about what she had told him.

They might have a lot more murders on their hands then they had realized.

In their rush of excitement over their more recent findings the boys had managed to forget about the black seal, they had pushed it the back burner, but now it seemed as if that small letter might have been the key to everything all along.

Dimitri was at the island in the kitchen smoking and fidgeting with a still wrapped Twinkie when Nick finally returned.

“What happened?” He asked.

 “I went somewhere yesterday…” Dimitri said, not looking up from the yellow cake in his hand.

 He only could tell nick half of his story and that was hard, hard enough that he could hardly look at Nick. Nick took a seat across from him then, snatching away the now smashed Twinkie as he did so; he hated when Dimitri fidgeted.

 Dimitri did not complain, instead he delved into his story about Angelo and Ming and what he learned. He tried not to add to many details about his encounter with Ming, but when he was done Nick looked at him with a knowing smile.

“Was she hot?” he asked.

Dimitri nodded,

 “She was,” he admitted.

“Well it’s seems to me that we need to find our wolf.” Nick stated.

 He fished out his phone from his pocket and hit a button and tossed the phone on the counter between the two of them. The loudspeaker came on and after a few rings a familiar, though static and muffle voice answered.

 “Michael, it’s us,” Nick said leaning toward the phone.

 “You and Raphael are somewhat close, or least it’s easy for you to get to him right?” he asked.

“Yes, although were not exactly besties, we do know each other. Why?” Michael replied.

Again Dimitri ran down his story, stating only the necessary facts this time, about a wolf and a list of names and what e thought it led to.

“So you think that Raphael’s uncle is the same wolf, the one that was kidnapped?” Michael gathered.

“I do, it makes a lot of sense. I think that a few people are interested in that list.” Dimitri replied. He left out the part about possibly having that list already. He needed Viktor even more now to open up that black seal.

 “What do you think is on it that would be so important as to kidnap someone over?” Michael contemplated.

His voice had faded as if he had moved away from the phone

. “That’s what we are hoping to find out.” Nick said, “So do you think you can talk to Raphael for us, see what he knows.” he continued

. “Yeah, we are both working tonight so I’ll talk to him then.” Michael said, and with that the line ended.

Dimitri smashed his cigarette and got up from the island.

“You know I actually was going to eat that,” He said, pointing to crème filled plastic wrapper.

“You want it?” Nick asked holding out to him with a laugh. Dimitri made a face,

“Well not now, you ruined it.” he said, leaving Nick alone in the empty kitchen.

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